12. Living

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Baby Love - Petite Meller (absolutely love this song!)

"Girl! You just slayed! I am in awe. You are officially the queen of everything!" Emma jumped around excitedly as I walked over to her.

"I knew you had it in you, Reid" she whispered as she embraced me in a hug.

"Thanks, O'Malley" I grinned, not able to deny that I was proud of myself. For the first time in two years I allowed myself to push past my fears and let loose.

For the first time in two years I had shown a glimpse of the old, confident Malia. I suppose I had missed her.

A little nagging feeling in the back of my mind kept telling me it was Will's influence, he brought me out. Another voice kept telling me that his influence would extend too far, that I would be drawn back into the world of crime.

The sensible part of me wanted to cut off ties with him, for my own safety and well, sanity, but I knew I couldn't. For two years I had merely existed, trying to scrape by in the world unnoticed. When Will came back, I began living.

"I'm pretty sure that you destroyed Sutton in cheers, but the true test will be now. Everyone has to walk on stage one at a time for the finale" Emma told me.

The models began walking on the stage separately, each pausing at the end before forming a line.

Triple S all received the loudest cheers. I could have shown off like I did the last time, but I felt as though I had proven myself, I didn't need to keep it up.

After Emma was applauded I walked down the stage and simply smiled at the audience, who were going wild once again.

"Okay, they definitely loved you more than Sutton and I think her heads about to explode" Emma whispered in my ear as I took my place in line next to her. I chuckled, looking over at the red-faced blonde.

My eyes scanned the audience again, landing on the front row. I grinned like a lunatic when I saw Riley put his thumbs at me, mouthing 'phwoar'. I couldn't help the blush that spread across my cheeks.

When I looked at Will, he was staring at Riley intently, like he was trying to telepathically explode his head. That was weird.

We walked off the stage and the show was over at last. I finally took the tight corset off. It looked amazing, but I would have probably collapsed in a heap if I had to wear it for more than an hour.

I contemplated taking my makeup off, but ultimately I was just too lazy. I did pin my crazy hair up in a pony tail though, so I didn't contrast too much to my casual plaid shirt.

When I emerged from my dressing room, a figure was stood waiting for me. I jumped at first, not expecting to see anybody, but when I saw it was Riley I relaxed.

"You scared me" I chuckled, placing a hand over my racing heart.

"Sorry, I didn't mean too. I just really needed to talk to you" he smiled and took a step towards me.

"What can I do for you, Captain?" I attempted to flirt with him.

"I just wanted to tell you how gorgeous you looked up there. I mean, you literally stole the show, it was amazing"

"Thanks" I smiled, looking down to the floor in an attempt to hide my blush.

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime, just you and me, without the guys or Sutton and her minions."

I let out a small laugh as I just about managed to stop my eyes from bulging out of my head. Did Riley Parker, one of the hottest guys at Minsterworth High, just ask me out?!

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