6. Mr. Memory

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Hey Baby - Jonas Brothers (I know what you're thinking, the Jonas Brothers, really? But they're my guilty pleasure and I love this song!)


"So uh, who were you talking to last night?" Willow asked casually as I drove. I immediately panicked. She must have heard Will in my room and that would only lead to accusations I didn't want to consider!

"What?" I replied, hoping to play if off coolly.

"You were practically yelling at someone on the phone" she rolled her eyes as she so often did.

"Oh that!" I exclaimed, mentally wiping the sweat off of my brow "That was Will" I always found that the closer to the truth a lie was, the less likely you were to get caught out.

"The new guy? The one you said was bad news?" she looked at me sceptically.

"The very same" I confirmed, perhaps a little too enthusiastically. So far it seemed as though she was clueless that he actually in my room with me. If my conservative little sister knew that she would have had a bitch fit!

"Yeah, well, just because you refuse to take the medication to help you sleep, doesn't mean you have to keep me up with your talking on the phone" she complained. In her own way, she showed that she cared about me. She was aware I hated taking my sleeping pills, which is why I hardly slept, but it was better than the dizziness and the headaches, and most importantly the vivid dreams. The dreams were the worst.

"I'm sorry Willow, I'll be quieter from now on" I could have got mad at her and made her listen to all the reasons that the medication sucked, but she wouldn't understand. She was sick of hearing me complain.

"Thanks" she said with a confused look on her face as she unbuckled her seatbelt. She had obviously been expecting a sarcastic comment in reply, but I didn't feel like abusing her that day.

I got out of my car and walked to my locker, the same way I did everyday, but something felt different. something felt out of place. I kept checking over my shoulders as I made my way through the school, convinced someone was following me. I knew I was just paranoid, but I couldn't shake the feeling.

When I did reach my locker I felt some relief at being in a crowded hallway, until I went to open my locker and it was slammed shut before I could get inside. I looked at the large hand that lay flat across the mental and followed up his arm until I was greeted by Will's typical smirk.

"Are you a snake or something? Because you sure seem to slither around like one" I sighed, before he took his hand off of my locker.

"You're hard to follow you know, constantly checking over your shoulder. You're very paranoid" he moved around to the other side of me so he wasn't blocked out by my open locker. He leaned back ever so casually, like he owned the place.

"How could I be paranoid if you were actually following me?" I shook my head in disbelief.

"Well, you've gotta be a paranoid person to suspect that someone's following you. Do you often get scared that you're being followed?" he asked, even though I wouldn't look at him.

"As a matter of fact, yes I do" I admitted honestly. He gave me a strange look.

"You've got a secret Lucky" he moved closer to me, trying to look into my eyes, but I wouldn't let him, afraid he would be able to see my vulnerability. Although, something told me he already did. For an egotistical ass, the guy sure was observant.

"You have a secret too Memory. Everyone has secrets" I told him, shutting my locker firmly.

"Yes, but you and I. Our secrets are different. The man who can keep a secret is wise, but not half as wise as the man who has no secrets to keep. I guess we're not very wise, Lucky."

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