34. Strutting, Sashaying and Shimmying

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Chelsea Dagger - The Fratellis

For probably the first time since I had met him, Will Memory was actually doing what I told him to do. He didn't rebel against me or try to convince me I was wrong, he just respected my wishes and kept his distance.

I had no idea where he went at lunch time, but he never sat at our table. He had moved from behind me in Math, much to Mr. Rose's delight, and mine as I was finally able to concentrate.

I couldn't deny how much missed him though, it was like a part of my life had been taken away, the fun and care free part. For short bursts of time I was able forget all about my past and the possible looming danger, instead I was taken away by Will.

It became dark again without him there, like the world was a gloomy place, which for me it was. I change in attitude didn't go unnoticed though and people were aware we weren't on speaking terms.

"What you really need is a girls night out, I think you'll feel one hundred times better after tonight," Sutton squeezed my arm reassuringly as we walked out of school.

"Hopefully you're right," I tried to smile at her. I wanted to be able to go out and get my mind off of Will. I wanted to have fun! I was sick of moping after him.

Sutton's bedroom had become somewhat of a war zone, with clothes and makeup strewn everywhere, but she had insisted we all had to get ready together.

"So what's going on with you and Memory?" Emma asked casually as we sat in the corner doing our makeup. We were out of ear shot of the rest of the girls and I knew Emma had been dying to ask.

"Em," I whined, she knew I didn't want to talk about it.

"Oh come on. You're my best friend, I can tell is bugging you out so just tell me. Will's my friend too and you two not talking kind of means I can't talk to him either and quite frankly that makes my life a little more dull," she pouted at me.

"Talk to him if you want, I don't mind, it's not like he's done anything wrong," I shrugged it off casually, even though I felt anything but casual about the whole situation.

"Then what's the problem? You two were really close before. I actually was hoping you would get together," she looked at me sadly, with puppy dog eyes that were supposed to melt my cool exterior, but they failed.

"It's complicated Em, I don't really want to talk about it. All I want to do tonight is to have fun, let my hair down and not think about Will Memory at all," I declared positively.

"Did you hear that guys? Malia wants to go wild tonight!" Emma called over to the other five girls.

Sutton had invited another girl from our school, Ingrid, and Santana's cousin Valentina. At first Valentina took my breath away, she was tall and gorgeous with dark flowing hair and caramel skin. She was exactly how I pictured Lucía as a young adult in my mind.

"Finally! Malia is gonna have fun!" Sutton chimed excitedly to which all the girls cheered.

"Here Malia, I think this dress would suit you, it'll highlight those beautiful blue eyes," Valentina purred in her Puerto Rican accent, sashaying over to me like a supermodel.

"Thanks Valentina. It's quite revealing though, don't you think?" I held up the light blue dress to the light. It looked more like something you would wear to the beach than to a club.

"Why not show a little skin, especially when you've got the body for it. Right girls?" She turned to get reassurance from the others, who all nodded in agreement.

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