49. Two Left Feet

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I'm Your Man - Michael Bublé

"Your speech may have been emotionally-stirring, but my speech pretty much brought the house down. People are going to be talking about it for weeks," Isaac assured me as we watched Sutton and Riley taking their first dance.

"I doubt it," I smirked, remembering how the crowd was left yawning after Isaac's seventh story that ended with Riley naked. Not that it was a competition, but my speech definitely won. I may have felt a little bit smug about it.

"What do you say Reid? Want to join them?" Isaac offered his hand to me as couples began joining the bride and groom on the dance floor, swaying to the romantic music. "It is tradition for the maid of honour and the best man to dance."

"Sure, but your hands better not wander," I accepted his outstretched hand and let him lead me on to the dance floor.

"I wouldn't dream of it," he smiled at me, letting his hand hover on the small of my back, barley touching me. Isaac was an idiot, but at least he was a respectful one.

As we danced slowly I surveyed the crowd of people watching on. Valentina caught my attention as she wiggled her eyebrows enthusiastically and gave me a thumbs up. Even Emma was smirking at me as if something less innocent were happening.

Will was stood next to Peter, his arms crossed over his chest, skimming his thumb over his bottom lip. Peter was saying something to Will, who seemed to not be listening as he focused intensely on Isaac and I. For a moment I thought that Valentina may have been right, about him being jealous. Just as I was getting my hopes up though, Will looked away and replied to Peter.

"So you and Memory, huh," Isaac said, smiling at me like he was in on some kind of secret.

"What about me and Will? We're friends," I told him, rolling my eyes up at him.

"Does he know you're just friends? Because he seems to think he has some claim over you," he carried on.

"He's just protective of me," I said quietly, because it was probably true, that was the extent of his feelings for me.

"I think you can look out for yourself," he smirked down at me, before spinning me out abruptly. I laughed as I fell back into him, but I quickly had to straighten up as there was too much contact between us.

I was surprised by how well I was getting on with Isaac. Apparently when you spoke to him one on one his arrogance decreased.

"Do you mind if I ask about the touching thing, Malia?" he asked after we had danced in silence for a while.

"Please don't ask," I said quietly, looking to the ground.

"I'm sorry," he felt guilty, I could see it in his eyes, and I felt bad for making him feel like that, but I couldn't exactly tell him the truth. Too many people knew who I really was already. 

"It's not you're fault. Don't feel bad about it, Isaac," I attempted to reassure him with a smile. He returned my smile and we carried on dancing.

"So," Isaac said suddenly, seeming to brighten up as a thought occurred to him, "You're single?"

"Yes Isaac, I am," I chuckled, we were both aware he was about to hit on me.

"Does that mean, hypothetically, a certain individual, such as myself perhaps, would be able to take you on a date to get to know you a little better?" he said nonchalantly.

"Hypothetically yes, but realistically, there are other factors that mean-" I was about to explain when I was interrupted.

"Mind if I cut in?" Toby asked Isaac, a small smile playing on his lips. I was taken back initially, but tried not to show it.

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