45. Stuck In The Middle

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Stuck In The Middle - Micheal Bublé

Its fair to say that after the weekend trip Sutton's level of craziness somehow managed to increase. I didn't think that was possible, but apparently if you dye someone's hair vile shade of green they do not take it well.

Her hair looked fine on Monday, although in certain lights it did have a green tinge, but she chose to take her anger out on others anyway.

"Pan! Did I say it was your turn on stage? If you do not get off right now I will make you!" she practically screamed at him.

Peter began spluttering as he rushed off the stage. He coughed till he turned a light shade of pink, which of course put Emma on edge. "Are you okay?" she asked him over and over again.

"I'm fine Emma, stop worrying about me," he smiled at her reassuringly.

"Its time Lucky," Will's voice pulled me away from their conversation. "We have to do our performance for Sutton," he reminded me, handing me my guitar.

"You have to remember Sutton, this is just an acoustic performance. The real thing is going to be a lot more dramatic. You know, flashing lights, costumes and all that," I heard Dex telling her as I approached them.

"Dex, the thought of you in a costume is making me queasy," she rolled her eyes at him.

"Well, you have been looking a little queer lately," he smirked at her, before he had to jump out of reach to avoid her assaulting him with her handbag.

"Remember everyone, keep your clothes on," Marc reminded the group quietly enough so Sutton wouldn't hear him.

I began playing and they joined in singing. They were pretty good except for Dex who was a mess. Usually his dancing was safe, not good, but safe at least. On that rehearsal he was all over the play and even caused a collision.

"Dex! What is wrong with you!" Riley hissed at him once I finished playing the song.

"I'm just feeling nervous today, give me a break!" he exclaimed. I was about to ask him why but Sutton interrupted me.

"Well. It could have been worse I suppose. It wasn't a complete disaster. You can be in the show," she announced, like she was a judge on one of those TV talent shows.

"Also guys, don't forget. Xenia Salon at ten AM on Saturday Malia. Do not be late!" she ordered us before stomping off.

She had yet again planned something for all of us, but had decided we were not allowed to know what we were doing until Saturday.

"What has she got planned?" I asked aloud once she was out of ear shot.

"Hell if we know. She's got us meeting at some bar next door to you guys. Say Riley, you probably know what she's got planned," Isaac turned to Riley with a charming grin.

"I'm not allowed to say!" he muttered before rushing off after his girlfriend. We all watched him leave with squinting, suspicious eyes.

"Come on Lucky, we'd better leave now. Your sister will kill us if we're late to help her cook dinner," Will caught my attention as he took the guitar out of my hand. Suddenly the mysterious plans with Sutton were long forgotten.

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