42. Couples Competition

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Lush Life - Zara Larson (this song was big when Listen Lucky was just an idea in my head and I was planning a plot, so it had an influence on the story I think)

"Lucky," I vaguely heard my name being called. "Lucky," the whining carried on until I cracked open one eyelid. I pulled the cover over my face as soon as the offensive sunlight reached my eyes.

"Come you lazy pig, I brought you coffee," Will told me.

"Oink," was all I could muster up underneath the cover.

"That's it," he sighed before he ripped the covers off of me, like the heartless man I knew he was. Ok, he wasn't heartless at all, but in that moment I could have clawed his eyes out.

I went to shout at him but as soon as I saw his shirtless torso all my anger seemed to dissipate... for some reason. Not sure why.

He held out the coffee and I graciously accepted it, taking a long sip despite how hot it was. I decided it was better to have coffee breath than morning breath.

I probably looked like a mess with wild hair and bags under my eyes, but Will didn't seem to take any notice.

"Somebody slept well," he tried to contain his grin.

"I haven't slept through the night in years. I feel all groggy," I told him.

"And that's why we're going to do some exercise, to clear out your head and set you up for the day," he said enthusiastically.

Then it hit me. I had no idea what time it was.

"Will, what time is it?" I asked slowly, afraid of the answer.

"It's seven, get up!"

"It's a Saturday, you monster!" I groaned, attempting to pull the covers back over myself once again.

"Oh no! You are getting up and you are coming with me to get some fresh air!" He ordered.


Half an hour later Will had dragged me out of bed and out of the cabin into the woods surrounding the lake.

"What kind of crazy individual wakes up early on a Saturday to climb trees?" I huffed loudly as Will trudged on a head of me.

"I've gotta keep fit, I don't want your eyes wandering baby," he turned to wink at me and I had to work hard to not show how much that turned my legs to jelly.

"They already wander, Memory," I retorted, even though it wasn't true. My eyes were obsessed with him, with inspecting every inch of him. Even as we were walking along my eyes couldn't tear away from watching his broad shoulders.

I maintain that when someone is as hot as Will Memory, your brain has no control of your eyes.

He suddenly leapt up and grabbed onto a thick branch, using his upper body strength to pull himself up repeatedly. I nearly fainted.

"It's your turn Lucky," he smirked at me as he let himself drop to the ground, landing lightly on his feet.

"Oh no, I am not doing that again, not after last time," I declared, crossing my arms over my chest defensively.

"Oh come on Lucky, we've slept together twice and you still won't let me touch you!"

My jaw dropped and without thinking I threw the nearest thing I could grab at him. It happened to be a pretty puny branch.

"Hey!" He exclaimed, dodging it easily enough.

"We have not slept together! Don't say it like that! We shared a bed!" I chastised him, probably louder than I should have.

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