40. Fishing And Sailing

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Untouched - The Veronicas


The weather in Montana was pretty good. We were fast approaching summer and the sun was already hot as hell, but it was seven o'clock in the evening, so why were Sarah, Santana and Sutton sunbathing?

I shook my head as they lay there in their skimpy bikinis, metres away from the guys who were transfixed in a game of cards, but were still flashing glances at the girls occasionally.

My plan was to head over to where Valentina, Emma and Willow were messing around, having a hand stand competition by the looks of it, but as I went to pass by the boys a hand reached out and grabbed my hand.

"Malia! It's time for cards," Isaac grinned at me, waving some cards in my face. I sighed and sat down next to Peter who, despite being the best player there, was very distracted by Emma's athletic abilities.

"I thought you were supposed to be cooking?" Pan asked me, when he actually noticed my presence, managing to tear his eyes off of Emma.

"Will kicked me out," I told him.

"Why?" Dex asked from across the circle.

"Apparently I was too distracting," I rolled my eyes, even though I was purposefully distracting him because I was feeling so playful.

"I bet," Isaac smirked besides me.

"Hey," I nudged him in the side, Isaac was a naturally flirty guy but it never meant anything. He looked at me and chuckled, before dealing me a hand of cards.

"Malia, have you got any sevens?" Riley asked me, his eyebrows furrowed as he was concentrating.

"Wait- you guys are playing Go Fish?" I looked at them incredulously.

"Apparently poker was too hard for Dex," Peter explained with a slight smirk playing on his lips.

"I didn't say it was too hard! I said it was complicated and my brain can't keep up," Dex argued.

"That's the same thing," Riley shook his head in disbelief.

"The loser gets dunked in the lake," Marc warned me, I wasn't worried though, Go Fish was easy.

"Go fish, Riley," I said to get the game back on track.

He sighed as he leaned forward to grab a card from in the middle.

"Dexter, have you go any fours?" I asked the goofy child sat across from me.

"You know, I never really understood why it was called Go Fish, it doesn't make sense because there's no fish involved, is there?" He began rambling off on a tangent.

"Dexter!" We all shouted simultaneously.

He huffed as he handed me over two cards and I already I had a complete set.


I easily won, although there isn't much skill to the game of Go Fish, apparently I was significantly better than the rest of the guys.

Will joined us towards the end of the game to tell us dinner would be ready in ten, he seemed significantly more relaxed which made me chuckle.

"Good job Malia!" Isaac patted me on the shoulder to congratulate me.

"Aren't you guys going to finish the game?" I was confused cause they were all looking at me mischievously.

"No, I think it's time for the loser to take a dunk," Isaac grinned. I hardly got chance to process his words before he picked me up and started running with me in his arms.

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