14. A Young Man

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Hound Dog - Elvis (I adore Elvis)


Will was enthusiastically explaining to me the wonders of J. Cole and Tu Pac when Willow walked into the kitchen and froze on the spot.

She stared at Will like he was a pig on a cow farm - not meant to be there. Her eyes were wide before she realised she was staring and she looked away, blushing.

"Hey, you must be Willow" Will grinned at her as she walked into the kitchen, she looked taken back, but nodded nonetheless.

"Yeah" she said tentatively.

"Dex told me you were the nicer sister" he smirked before I smacked his shoulder. "Ow! Case and point!"

"Did I hear you talking about J. Cole to my sister?" Willow asked and I sighed aloud. They had to have the same music taste didn't they!

"She doesn't like rap! Can you believe that?!" Will exclaimed, looking genuinely offended.

"I have to put up with her rap rants daily" she rolled her eyes.

"I do not rant" I stated. I simply pointed out the flaws in rap music, frequently.

"Have you ever listened to German rap?" Will asked Willow enthusiastically. I felt like if I left the room they wouldn't even notice.

"No, is it any good?" She questioned in reply, taking a seat at the table with us.

"It's great! There's this one artist, Sido, who's like the German equivalent of Eminem"

"I love Eminem!" Willow exclaimed excitedly.

I sighed as I leaned back into my chair, watching the two of them converse excitedly.

I guess it was nice in a way, it's always exciting to meet someone with similar interests. Truth be told, I hadn't seen Willow speak so passionately around me in a while. She usually reserved her conversation skills for when I wasn't present.

I felt my lips curl slowly upwards in a smile as I watched them talk. Will was able to engage people so effortlessly and I admired that.

We all turned to look at the doorway when the front door opened and closed again.

"Uh oh" Willow said quietly before turning back to us.

"Why uh oh?" Will looked worried, he turned to look at me with pleading eyes.

"Our parents don't exactly have the best opinions of you" I whispered to him, hearing the footsteps approaching.

"Daddy" Willow jumped up to hug him as he walked into the kitchen.

"Willow tree" he smiled as he kissed her head.

I walked over to hug him as I did everyday.

"Li Li" he grinned, kissing me as he had Willow.

"And you must be Mr. Memory" my dad turned to look at Will.

"Will, yes" he stood up and offered my father his hand. "It's nice to meet you" he flashed a friendly smile that could draw in even the sternest army colonel.

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