29. Malia Reid

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*warning* Some younger readers might find the following chapter upsetting, so please read with caution.

Mended Souls - Casey Hurt (you should definitely listen to this, even if you don't listen to my other music because this song was basically the inspiration for the book!)


The drive was about half an hour and we hardly spoke in that time. Will was gripping the steering wheel, his knuckles slightly cut but he didn't seem to care.

"You've led me to a field in the middle of nowhere," Will stated plainly as he switched off the engine.

"It's not just a field," I informed him, getting out of the car with my eyes firmly fixed on the tree in the centre of the field.

I began walking towards it, feeling numb, like I had done so many times before. Will followed behind me, not saying anything.

It was a warm day, the sun was beating down and the only shade to be found was underneath the tree, where a small bench sat. Underneath the blaring sun it was stifling to the point it was unpleasant, but sat on that bench, it was bearable.

I pointed to the bench once we reached it and I watched as Will read the plaque. All it said was Cardona, so he was understandably confused.

"It's like a what? Five hour drive to Portland?" I asked Will. This seemed to confuse him even more, but he nodded anyway.

I sighed and sat down on the bench, feeling nervous and vulnerable, Will copied my actions, sitting on the other side of the plaque.

"My grandparents planted this tree as a sort of memorial for Lucía, so that I could feel close to her, obviously visiting her grave in Portland would be pretty difficult," I told him quietly, slowly. I was in no rush.

"Why does it say Cardona?" Will asked after a little while. His voice was soft and comforting.

I took a deep breath, what I was about to say was hard.

"I wasn't completely honest with you. Lucía's whole family died that day, her parents, her siblings. The whole Cardona family died. I had memories with every single member of that family and it was like losing all my friends at once.

Her mom was like a second mother to me, she looked after me when my parents were working and taught me so much. Her dad taught me and Lucía to ride bikes without stabilisers for the first time. Her older brother Javier was my first kiss," I chuckled at the memory, remembering how excited I had been that he liked me.

"She had a little sister too, Maya, who was just the sweetest little girl I have ever known. But she's gone now, they all are. So I come here to remember them," I didn't dare to look at Will.

After a while of silence Will looked over to me. He knew there was more to the story and he was being very patient.

"What happened to them?" He asked eventually. He asked me so quietly I could barely hear him.

"They were murdered," I admitted, feeling hot tears forming in my eyes.

The look on Will's face was indescribable, a whole slew of emotions were visible. Sadness, worry, anger, guilt.

"I'm so sorry Lucky," he said gasping slightly at the revelation.

I stood up, suddenly feeling uncomfortable sitting down. I had to move about because the stillness was only making my nerves worse.

"Do you remember that serial killer in Portland about three years ago?" I asked him, pacing back and forth, clicking my fingers nervously.

"Yeah, they called him the Thriller or something like that," his face darkened as he realised where I was heading.

Listen Lucky Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora