25. Broken

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Jet Black Heart - Five Seconds Of Summer (my baes, this song is beautiful and they are so talented❤️)


'Everybody's got their demons, even wide awake and dreaming," the melodic vocals flowed beautifully into my ears until the ear phone was rudely ripped away.

"It's so rude listening to your music when I'm sat right here," Will tutted at me. We were sharing a table in the library so that we could get some work done, except that he wouldn't shut up.

"I need to get some work done and you keep distracting me," I went to put my ear phone back in.

"I know my charming good looks are distracting, but honestly Lucky, I can be quite helpful," he winked at me.

"You were just trying to convince me that penguins are the greatest creatures on Earth and I honestly couldn't care less," I rolled my eyes at him before placing the buds in my ears and looking back down at my work.

I had just gotten into writing about Hamlet when the bud was ripped from my ear once again!

"One more time ass, I dare you!" I looked up, ready to hit Will and saw that Sutton was looking at me with incredibly wide, somewhat terrified looking eyes. "Ah Sutton, hi," I said awkwardly, feeling guilty for scaring her. I kicked Will under the table to stop him chuckling.

"I feel like Will brings out your vicious side, maybe you should stop hanging out with him?" she suggested.

Oh you'd love that wouldn't you! Except I didn't say that, instead I just agreed with her, "You're probably right."

"I'm having some trouble procuring some fake IDs for your birthday Malia, so I'm going to have to consider some alternative celebrations," she sat down at our table.

"I don't want a fake ID Sutton!" I exclaimed before realising we were in the library. "I don't even want to celebrate my birthday," I whispered, leaning in closer to her.

"Oh don't be stupid. The fake IDs will be ready in a few weeks, but don't worry, I'm going to plan you an amazing party!" she announced excitedly before jumping out of her seat and scurrying off.

"When?" Will asked when I turned to face him.

"I don't really-" I went to explain that I didn't view my birthday as a big deal, but he interrupted me.

"When?" he repeated.

"Sunday," I admitted hanging my head in shame.

"Dammit Lucky, you should have told me, now I don't have enough time to plan breaking into Tiffany's," he reclined back in his seat, crossing his arms as if he were frustrated.

I chuckled assuming he was joking, but he gave me a deadly serious look.

"It's easier than you would think," he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm surprised you're not on the most wanted list," I rolled my eyes at him.

"None of the best criminals are," he declared proudly. "Anyway, how are you celebrating? Apart from however it is Sutton decides to torture everybody."

"I said I don't want to celebrate my birthday, if I could get out of Sutton's thing I would, but you know she'd kill me," I said, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"Oh Lucky," he smiled at me, a plan seeming to form in his mind. "I remember my eighteenth" he grinned nostalgically.

"I thought your birthday was in June?" I raised a confused eyebrow at him.

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