8. Fired Up

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Toxic - Melanie Martinez (Celestadore Remix)

The cafeteria was buzzing at lunch time. A combination of pre-game excitement and the fast-spreading news of my freak out yesterday had resulted in many eyes being fixed at our table.

I hadn't spoken to Will since our disagreement the night before, I was mad at him for digging into my past. We had only lived in the same town for a short while and already he had figured out that I was hiding something, whilst the people I had known for two years were completely clueless.

He came over to our table, receiving a few high fives on the way. I rolled my eyes, why did the student body worship hockey players? It was ridiculous. They all especially loved Will because he was new and he had a reputation.

He looked over to me, his eyes darting between Emma and Isaac who were sat on either side of me. Thank the lord he couldn't actually sit next to me!

He begrudgingly took the seat next to Riley, who was sat opposite me. Thankfully Sutton had decided to sit at the other end of the table, avoiding me it seemed.

"We'll destroy them" Isaac grinned beside me, moving about excitedly, much to my disapproval. I scooted closer to Emma to stop him from touching me.

"Deanford are pretty good, so let's not be too cocky" Riley warned the guys who were hyping themselves up.

I like hockey as much as the next person at Minsterworth High, but you got pretty sick of hearing about it when you hung out with the team.

I could feel Will staring at me, trying to get my attention, but I wasn't giving in to him. I wanted to ignore him for as long as possible.

"I'm just looking forward to the after party, I'm gonna get my drink on" Emma told everyone happily.

"As long as you don't grope me this time" Will smirked at her, in an attempt to embarrass her I think.

"Memory, you would be lucky to have someone as fine as me grope you" she teased, giving her best seductive look.

"Lucky, eh?" he replied, returning her look, but I did notice the glance he shot at me. Lucky again.

"Emma describes herself as the perfect example of an 'Irish pot of gold'" Pan quoted her.

"Well, the leprechaun next to it maybe" I challenged, watching as her jaw dropped. Pan and I laughed at her growing redness, she didn't like being outwitted.

I could still feel Will watching me, but there was no was I giving in. I've always been far too stubborn, its in my nature.

The bell rang to signal the end of lunch and everyone got up from their seats and reluctantly began heading to class. Just as I was beginning to head away Will called my name. In fact, he kept calling my name all the way out of the cafeteria until he caught up with me in the hallway.

"Lucky, stop being so stubborn" he jumped in front of me, holding his hands up to show he wasn't going to touch me. "Can you stop being mad at me now?" he asked.

"I'm not mad at you, I just don't particularly want to talk to you" I shrugged, trying to move around him, but he side-stepped, blocking me once again. It was useless trying to get around someone as intimidatingly tall and agile as him.

"Why? Because I know who you really are?"

"There really needs to be a filter between your brain and your mouth" I rolled my eyes at him, he wasn't helping himself.

"There is, that's why I'm so charming" he winked at me.

"Please move" I requested as I went to step around him again. He quickly grabbed my hand, probably without thinking.

Listen Lucky Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant