chapter five: Mother and Father...

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Hello my wolves, Maxie here! Welcome to chapter five! Just a little heads up there will be foul language. A side from that, enjoy! See you later my wolves. Also I may be lazy, so I might not update every day. Don't blame me, blame the laziness. Anyways enjoy! *howls*


* Destiny's pov*

I woke up to my sleeping mate. He's even cuter in his sleep. I got out of bed, until the rush of cold wind hit my legs. I looked at what I was wearing. I had on Alex's shirt. It was kind of big, it went passed my thighs. I ran to the bathroom to do my business.

When I came out of the bathroom, I didn't see Alex on the bed. Just then I heard the floor creak.' Duck!' Aston said. I did it just in time. Alex fell to the ground. I hopped on top of him and pinned him down to the ground.

" hehe gotcha bitch." I said. He just smirked." How did you know?" He asked." My wolf, Aston, heard you coming." I explained." Well Dammit.. Damn you and your wolf. Let go eat breakfast. I'm making omelets!" He said. I jumped up and down like a little girl.

I raced Alex downstairs. An guess what? I won!! I looked at Alex, he pouted." Awww. Little baby's mad because he didn't win?" I said in a baby voice. he sticked his tounge out at me. I did the same. I sat on the counters, waiting for Alex to finish. I realized that I was still wearing his shirt. but I didn't mind it. then a sent filled my nose. it made my face scrunch up with discust. it smelled like my parents. I heard a knock at the door. I jumped of the counter, and ran to the door. when I opened the door I seen Kevin enraged. I peaked behind him and seen them. my parents.

they smelt my scent. Kevin walked in and dragged the two basterds in. they both looked at me in discust." Alex! its for you!" I yelled. when Alex walked in the living room. my mom look scared." Destiny, how do you know this alpha?" my mother asked terrified." this man, mother, is my mate." I said with a smirk.

my so called mother looked at Kevin." my baby is alive." she said. here we go again. she tried to reach out for him, but he just smacked her hand away. " don't touch me. I know what you did to Destiny. I hope you know that she is your child too! so from now on you have no children. you have no son. you have no daughter. " he said with so much venom. I looked at Alex. he looked clueless. I walked up to him." babe I would love for you to meet my ungrateful, mistreating, abuseive, and an ass of an excuse of parents." I said. my so called mother and father growled at me. but Alex let out a more powerful growl, they whimpered a little bit.

I put my hand on Alex's arm to calm him down. my father looked at me." so how you been sweetheart?" he asked." go fuck yourself, daddy." I said in a baby voice." oh sorry. im just having a bad...." I pretended to be thinking." what's the word? day? no, not that. umm week? month? no. oh wait I know! life! you two bitches been fucking up my life! i'm tired of the abuse! I'm tired of not being loved! now for once in my life I am finially happy, then you two motherfuckers come showing your fucking faces! an to that I say GO FUCK YOURSELF!" I screamed.

they were shock to see me say that to them. tears were streaming down my face. I wiped them off, and had a cold exprestion." don't you ever call me your sweetheart, baby, little girl, or any other of those bullshit of name that you can think of. don't even call me by my name. your not good enough to say my name." I said darkly. my arms felt hot." Destiny!" Alex and Kevin said at the same time. I looked down and seen that my arms were on fire.

I screamed. But I stopped for some reason. The fire doesn't hurt. I looked at Alex." It doesn't burn. It's warm." I said. He stepped forward." Hold up. Let me try something." I said. I snapped my fingers, and the fire disappeared." Holy shit! I have the ability to control fire! Fuck yes!" I was so happy! My jackass parents were now terrified of me.

"Alex can we just kick them out? In tired of looking at their faces." I said going to the stairs." Wait!" I turned to my used to be mother." Can you give us one more chance. Please. We're sorry for mistreating you. Please Destiny give us one more chance." She pleaded.

I thought about it for a bit. I sighed." Fine." She was happy that she was getting another chance.

Hey my wolves! I hope you guys liked it! Any ways love ya. Cya my wolves!*howls*

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