Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


Then right at that moment Jen, Brandon, Michael, River, my dad, and my mom all burst into the house.

"Your a little late." I laughed. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. Then they all stiffened.

"What the hell..?" River whispered at he came up to me. He waved his arm all around the area in front of my face. I looked at him funnily.

"Ummm" I mumbled.

"Why do I feel crazy power radiating off of you?" Jen asked serious.

"It's my element power, or at least that's what my wolf said.

"You have more power than any witch." Jen replied.

"Umm okay then." I replied a little confused. "Oh watch this!" I said excitedly.

I looked over at my mom and dad. "Sit" I commanded and they did it without hesitation. "Lay down" I said and again they did exactly as I told them. "Roll over." I giggled as they did just that.

"Okay okay okay! Stop treating your parents like dogs!" Jen said laughing.

"See I have this amazing power, I can command a wolf with it! Isn't it awesome!" I said excitedly. I wonder... "Sing the alphabet!" I said at Jen, she face me the 'are you crazy?' Look. Huh apparently I can't control witches.

"No you can't control us, only the witch element controllers can control witches, same for vampires, and angels." She said simply. Huh.

I looked over at my mates. They looked very relieved to see I was alright and with no harm done. But that's when it really hit me in the face,

I have to choose one of them.

And I have to do it soon.

Really soon...


48 hours.

A lot can happen in that time span.

People die, children are born, murderers are caught, a new tv episode of your favorite show could come on.

But most of all people live their lives.

Sometimes in peace.

Sometimes in hell.

But things can drastically change in 48 hours.

And that's the spot where I am right now.

I have 48 hours.

I have only 48 hours to choose my mate.

And it's tearing my up inside.

I have to choose to basically ruin someone's life and create another for someone else.

See in my life I have always been a procrastinator. I love to wait. Usually right up to the last second. I mean with papers in high school. I wait up until the very last day then wrote it. It was always my best work, but still. I loved waiting.

I think part of that reasoning is because I feel that if I do something too quickly it will turn out bad, or I will make rash choices. And I really don't want to be a person who does that.

And right now it hurts.

I have to choose.



I'm deeply in love with both of them.

But I have to choose one.

I have to hurt one.

I have to reject one.

I have to love one.

Only one.

And that hurts.

I know that my choice is going to hurt, and help.

But I truthfully don't want to make it.

I've never been in love with anyone to the extent of both of these men.

And that scares me.

If I love them both this much, how bad is the pain going to be when I reject one.

It feels like a lifetime since I've met them, and truthfully it's barely been a week.

And it kills me to know I have to let one go.

It feels like I'm forcing a knife through someone's chest, and then my own.

"Hey you okay?" Brandon asked me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah I guess." I whisper.

He nods and offers me his arm. I take it gratefully, and lean some of my weight on him.

"I know this is going to be hard for you, but I just want to let you know I will stand fully behind your choice. No questions, I'll go if it isn't me, and stay by your side if it is." He told me honestly. Tears filled my eyes at his sincerity. "I just want you to know I love you, and will honor your choice." He said softly.

I looked up at him, tears now sliding down my cheeks. I have him a nod. He wrapped his arms around me. It calmed me and made me feel at peace. Even if it was just for a moment.

He took it all away.

The pain.

The choice.

The self loathing.

He made me feel at peace. In his arms I was connected to the world, and felt good. Calm and collected.

Exactly what needed.

"Jen can I talk to you?" I asked Jen.

"Yes, of course." I smiled at her and we broke away from the group. But I got warning looks from Brandon and Michael. I just smiled.

Once we were far enough away, I decided that I was going to open up.

But Jen beat me to it.

"So how are you feeling about all of this? I mean you have to choose between the two loves of your life, that's got to be hard, and in my mind its a little too harsh." I gave her a sad smile.

"Yeah I know, and within 48 hours. I think I'm choosing tomorrow morning."


"I was born at 11:59 pm on July 22nd, the last for a cancer zodiac, and the beginning for Leo, I was born on the last minute for a water element, and first minute of fire, I am literally righ in the middle of them."

"Yeah that does kind of suck," Jen told me honestly.

"Is there any way I can talk to the council again? I want to ask them some questions." I asked her.

"Yeah I mean could try, but sometimes they reject requests." She told me and I nodded.

"This is so confusing..." I groaned out.

"Just a question." She said with a weird look, "who do you think you'll choose?"

I gave her a glare, and she stuck her hands up in the air surrendering.

"Just a question!" She said.

"I know, but I'm still kind of confused, and I really truthfully have no idea who I'm choosing." I told her honestly. "I'm deeply in love with them both. I don't know if I can choose." I whisper the last part.

"I would say I know what you are going through, but this time I have no idea. And for that I'm sorry I can't help." Jen tells me honestly. I nod at her.

I have to choose the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, the one who will mean everything to me. The person who I will love and protect for the rest of my life. The person that I will have kids with. He will be a father, a mate, a lover, and mine. But now all I have to do is choose.

And that's the hardest choice I have ever had to make.

But I had to.

Then I think about my wolf.

Who do you want? I ask her.

I don't know... I love them both... She answered back.

Me too..

I want them both is that do wrong?? She asked me.

I want the sane thing, but it's not possible. And for that I'm sorry for you. How are their wolves? I asked.

They are both edge, worried, but most of all they just want me, and I want them. She told me almost sorrowfully.

I'm sorry you had to go through this. It isn't fair for you, or me. I told her. I wish we didn't have to go through this but we are doing it together.

Together forever.

Together forever. I repeated.


I pulled out of my head and continued to walk I felt bad for my wolf, she was going to lose one of her mates, and it was my fault. I apart just wanted to choose and leave it at that, but that would have been a rash choice. And I can't do that. I have to think this through.

I probably sound like I'm whining but truthfully, I hope my not. I want to be so good.


He's amazing. He can calm me down at any given time. He keeps me, me. He doesn't let me go to far. He's my rock, what I will always have to keep hold. He is the one that will keep me stable, even through the hardest of times. He will be there for me.

And I need that.

His love is pure, he will always be good for me. He's the definition of perfect, calm collected, professional in a way, but still unprofessional. He's the thing that has kept me calm through this whole ordeal. He has made it so I don't lose my mind. He is what I thought of every single time I was about to lose my mind.

He keeps me on Earth.

And I need that.

I need someone who can be there for me at all times and he is. And always will be.

And I need that.

I met him first.

I think I fell in love with him first.

He was first.

But then there's Michael.

And he came in last but caught me right from the start.

He changed me.

He madero see the world through different eyes. He made me feel different. More alive in a way. More crazy, fearless, free, like him. He brought out the side of me I never knew until he came along.

He changed me.

He is the side of life I never knew existed. And I like that. He's the mystery guy. And I like that, he's confident, cocky, and a bad boy to an extent. He made it so that I didn't need to worry about life, college, drama, parents, he made me feel free, without a care in the world.

He changed me.

He might of come in last but he sure caught my attention the second he burst through that door, and I liked how he tries to control everything, he likes control, and he knows he can't control me and it drives him crazy, yet he loves it, you can see the drive it his eyes, he likes power, and now so do I. That power that I felt when I my goddess powers came to, was amazing. I never use to like power, but now I'm hungry for it.

He gave me passion.



And I loved it.

I love him.

But I have to choose.

And I can only choose one.

And I hate that.

I Ruin one,

And Save the other.

So which one do I choose?

And which one do I lose?

"Chloe we can get in contact with the council now if you would like?" Jen asked.

I nodded my head.

Here we go......



A/N: this chapter was hard to write.

Guys I'm thinking, I really actually don't know who to choose. And I'm probably not just going to go by fans opinions unless you guys say why.

So say who you want and why. Other wise I'm not taking your vote.

Also, when this book is over I will be writing some type of sequel, but it won't be what you expect, I can promise you that.

I will not be releasing the info on the sequel until I get 10,000 reads on this, and to 75 fans. Because my next step is going to be huge. And I need support.

So please help me out!!







And keep on reading!!!




The Wolf with Four Mates #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now