Chapter 3 - Facing The World

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- Thank you Gemma for today's cute cover art - I think this expression definitely suits Ash's dramatics in this chapter ;)

- This week I hit 500 sales on Reasons To Love A Nerd Like Me - eeek! Thank you SO much to everyone who has downloaded a copy, it really means so much. I have been thinking of ways to reward paying fans and I am toying with the idea of an email exchange with your favourite character as a bonus reward. What do people think about that idea? It's forming in the back of my mind so watch this space...!

- The reason I am thinking of bonuses for paying readers is because I am now offering  free copies of Reasons To Love A Nerd Like Me out in return for a Goodreads review. Having reviews is really important for me and helps my Amazon sales a heck of a lot so if anyone is willing to help me out in return for a free copy then just PM me with your email and link to your Goodreads account :D Just make sure not to publicise it too much outside of Wattpad ;) 

Thanks so much guys! Now enough of Scotty's story, we're back to Ash! Hope you enjoy the new chapter, please leave a vote/comment if you can :D

Becky xx


Chapter 3

Facing The World

"Hello, my little pickle, pumpkin bestest sister in the world. How's about a big Benji-cat cuddle to cheer you right up?"

My brother Benjamin is sitting at the edge of my bed where I'm currently collapsed in misery. It's been about half an hour since Annabelle and Sarah ended our video-chat and I still haven't left my room. I don't know if I can face the world ever again. Maybe I'll just stay right here until I die.

"Go away," I groan into my pillow. "I need to be alone right now."

He completely ignores my wishes and clambers across the bed, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. "What's that? You need TWO hugs?! Well, don't you worry, I've got it covered."

"Get off me," I screech, trying to push him off. It's no use, he's much taller and stronger than me. He always used to win every fight we ever had when we were kids. "This isn't funny Benj! I'm really upset."

"I know you are," he replies calmly, crushing me even tighter. "That's why I'm here to make you feel better."

"You're not helping anything! GET OFF!"

Finally, he relents and releases his grip on me. I huff to the corner of the bed, bringing my knees up to my chin and making myself into a little ball. I wish I could make myself so small that no one would even notice me. Especially my annoying family.

OK, maybe that's too harsh. Don't get me wrong, I love my brother a lot. But he's always making a joke out of everything and trying to trivialise my feelings. I get it, he's five years older than me and he still sees me as a little kid. But this isn't just a scraped knee that some stupid hug can fix. I'm a grown-up now and my problems are much more complicated than a little boo-boo.

There is no plaster in the world big enough to mend a broken heart.

"Come on Ash," Benjamin says softly. "You can't mope up here all day. Why don't you get dressed and come downstairs? I'll make you a special breakfast with hash browns and everything. I'll even make the eggs into a smiley face. How can you be sad at smiley eggs?"

With that, I flop back down on the bed, tears pricking my eyes. He thinks this is funny. He thinks it's a big drama over nothing and that in an hour I'll be over it. Doesn't he realise that I'm a girl in love? I'll never get over this. Never. Not even in a hundred years.

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