Chapter 15 - Wake-Up Call

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the lovely comments on last chapter - it gives me so much motivation to keep writing when I see people enjoying it and asking for updates <3

Today's picture is Mrs. Apple... Come on, you know she'd look like Mrs. Weasley ;)

Hope you like the update, have a great week everyone!
Becky xx


Chapter 15

Wake-Up Call

I open my eyes slowly when I wake up Monday morning, relishing the last traces of the beautiful dreams that have been inside my mind all night.

Only they weren't just dreams. They really happened. I was out all night with the most intense, gorgeous boy and he told me I was special and he kissed me on the swings for hours. I'm so dizzy with joy at the memory that I'll probably fall out of the bed the moment I attempt to move. It's like I'm looking back on someone else's life, but it happened to me.

After so many years of unrequited crushes and never being noticed by anyone, it's finally happening to me.

I glance at the time on my phone. 6.57am. I've actually woken up before my alarm so I know I must be over-excited. I reach out to switch off my wake-up call before it rings and notice there are two new messages alerts flashing on the screen. Oh my gosh, has Jaxon messaged me already?! Maybe I was the first thing he thought of when he woke up? He's certainly the only thing on my mind. Eagerly, I snatch at my phone and open my inbox.

Oh. It's not him. The first message is a text from Annabelle. She must be up early to get ready for college.

"SO??? How did it go last night? Did he like the outfit in the end? Did you get snog number 2? Give me gossip....!!! Xoxo"

I smile at the screen. She is going to freak out when I tell her the details. And for once they are actually REAL and not just stuff I hoped would happen.

Before I text back, I check the second message. I'm assuming it's going to be from Sarah, but it's not. It's a Facebook message from Chunk. Oh. I guess he's up early for work too. But why is he messaging me first thing? I read it with burning curiosity.

"Hey Ash, sorry for sending a random message out of the blue! I just wanted to check everything went OK with Jaxon last night? I got the photo you two sent, seems like you were both having a good time? Sorry, not trying to stick my nose in your business, I swear! Just here to chat if you ever need a mate... :) xx"

I stare at the words, re-reading them a few times to make sense of them. Chunk is checking up on me? That's kind of weird. But then again, he did seem really worried about me dating Jaxon in the first place. Moody artist type blah blah blah. He's obviously in full-on protective friend mode and wants to make sure Jaxon was a gentleman. Which he was, of course.

Well, for most of the night at least.

Oh no, now I'm thinking about that awkward moment in the cinema. I don't want to think about that little blip, not when the rest of the date was so perfect.

I decide to ignore Chunk's message for now and get back to Annabelle first. After I've dragged my body out bed and done a few morning stretches, I shoot her a text. I want to try and catch her before she leaves for college.

"You free for a call?? xxxxxxxx"

It takes about three seconds for Annabelle's number to flash up on my screen. I start giggling as soon as I answer the phone. "Gooooood mooorrnnniiiinnng!"

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