Chapter 20

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(A/n: This is the one of very few chapters in the book where I'll write in someone else's POV)

Dallas' POV
I drove over to Violets house this morning to let her know about the rumble. All of us guys planned it months ago. We were waiting for Randy to get back.

I walked right in her front door because I never knock. She's used to me barging in.

I walked over to her room and knocked on her door. "Rise and shine doll. It's your knight and shining armor", I joked.

There was no answer so I pushed the door open. She was gone?! "Violet", I hollered. I walked around her place and I felt something crunch beneath my feet.

"Glass", I mumbled aloud. There was water all over the ground. Her table was flipped.

"No", I whispered. I ran for the door and got in my car and sped away.

Violets POV
It was noon by now because the little window in Randys basement illuminated a lot of light.

The door opened and Randy came marching down the stairs.
"My mother's home, I'm bringing you up. She thinks you're my friend. Don't you even dare tell her what's going on.

I'll rip that baby out myself in seconds", he threatened. I shivered from his words.

He walked over and untied me and grabbed me by the arm forcefully. "Get up there, smile, and be nice", he barked.

"All right", I stammered. I walked up the steps and it led to a kitchen. "Randy sweet pea, is that you", his mom asked.

She saw me and gasped. "She's beautiful", she squealed. It felt nice to be treated good after what her son pulled.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Violet", I said. His mom did a little dance. "Awww give me a hug", she giggled. We hugged and she smelt like fruits.

I smiled at that because the basement smelt like shit.
"Randy why did she come through the basement", his mom asked.

I turned and smirked at him. "She thought that it was the front door", he said more like a question. His mom gave him a look. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard", she said.

"Randy quit being dumb and drink your juice", his mom ordered.

Randy glared at me and I mentally did a happy dance because his mom was awesome.

"Now honey, lets get you cleaned up. Tell me about yourself", she said leading me up some stairs.

I barely looked back, but Randy gave me this look. It means 'Watch what you say, or you'll get it'.

When we reached the top I started talking just because I didn't necessarily want Randy to know about my life.

"My name is Violet Cruz, I'm 17, I like food and my favorite color is purple", said.

"That's wonderful, I think it's cute how you have purple hair and your name is Violet", she said.

"Yeah, it's kind of funny to me", I said. She led me to a room. "This is my room, I'm single, but loving it. Gives me time for my hobbies. Like sewing and baking", she said.

My face lit up, "I love both, I used to bake with my mom all the time. Sewing was also my favorite", I said happily.

She looked so excited. "I'm so glad Randy brought you home. You're a joy. You can call me Nana", she said pinching my cheek.

"Do you mind if I um take a quick shower? Randy locked me in the basement over night", I said accidentally letting some information slip.

She looked disgusted. "My son did what", she gasped. "Oh not like that. I um... My dad and I had a falling out and Randy helped me", I said coming up with something.

She calmed down and smiled. "Oh, well sure thing. Take as long as you want. Here hand me your coat sugar", she asked.

I took it off thinking about when I put on a coat. It's probably Randys. She squeaked, "Sweetheart you're pregnant", she said. I giggled, "Yup, I'm due soon", I said.

She grabbed my hands and smiled from ear to ear. "You're going to be a good momma", she said tearing up.

Now I was getting emotional, "Thanks Nana", I said hugging her.

"Ok, enough of me getting all mushy. Let's get you cleaned up", she said.


She helped me scrub my hair and wash up. I felt much better. She gave me a fuzzy towel and I dried off. My hair was curly from the water.

"Ok, I have these old maternity dresses that I wore when I had Randy", she said picking out three.

They were so cute and mom like. I picked up the floral one that reached my knees. "It's so adorable Nana. Thanks", I said.

"Aren't you cute. Here I'll do your hair. I know my sister did mine for me during my pregnancy", she said.

I sat down and she did two french braids. It felt comforting to have a mother figure around even if it was temporary.

"All done, just need this", she said putting a white Daisy in my hair.
"They're Randys favorite", she said admiring it.

I guess he's not as evil as I thought. I looked in the mirror and the braids came out nice.

"I love it", I said. She got up and picked up my shoes. "They're clean", I said shockingly. "Yeah, Randy cleaned them last night", she said.

"I was kinda wondering who they belonged to", she laughed.

She handed me a fresh pair of socks. "Thanks for the socks Nana", I said putting them on along with my shoes.

"Would you like to eat lunch with me sweet pea", she asked. I linked my arm with hers. "I'd love to. I'm starving", I joked.

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