Chapter Forty-Two

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A/N- I was informed by a wattpad reader that @SheriffSquinty recommended my story to her readers - and through further research I realized that she has a huge fan base on here! I dedicate this chapter to her by way of thanking her for recommending Two Hearts to others who might enjoy it. I appreciate the support and I'm very flattered :)

If you're like me and you haven't previously heard of her story My Dark Night (although it's really popular on here; I suppose I've been living under a rock), then check it out! The writing is spectacular and from what I've seen it has a fresh twist on the whole alpha mate thing.



Adrianna's POV

"Pack meetings suck," declared Trevor with a dramatic yawn that stretched his mouth out into a width that looked physically impossible.

Jess and Caleb threw Trevor a look; the action was so in-sync that it bordered on hilarity.

Trevor darted his half-lidded eyes between the two of them incredulously. "What? It's too early for this."

"Trevor, it's noon."

"Exactly," he complained before snuggling into his seat, crossing his arms and leaning the back of his head against the wall behind him. He closed his chestnut eyes and sighed.

Caleb rolled his eyes while Jess muttered an insult beneath her breath.

"Does he have a sleeping disorder?" I whispered in Caleb's ear, darting my eyes to Trevor's resting form indicatively. I couldn't possibly see how he could even think of sleeping in the midst of the restless ruckus stirring the inside of the so-called meeting room. Wolves and witches alike roamed to and fro; many were engaged in deep conversations while others simply stood or sat as if waiting for something, their face straight and unreadable.

"I heard that," Caleb's friend said, the slack features of his expression remaining still as stone. He kept his eyes closed.

I threw an alarmed look in his direction, questioning the subtle severity of his tone. By now I had come to have a bit confidence with being around Caleb's friends, but one could never be too certain. I made it my aim to keep from angering either of them. All of the other stereotypes told in my Kingdom regarding the nature of werewolves might have proven themselves to be been false, but one thing had managed to hold true: an angry werewolf is a deadly werewolf.

Trevor popped one lazy eye open, his half-gaze fastening on me. Caleb chuckled and my fears fled away as fast as they had come.

"No, he's just lazy," Caleb said, observing his friend who smiled lethargically. "And you might want to watch what you say around here. Unless you're in a sound-proof room, werewolves can hear all."

"Isn't that uncomfortable?" I queried out of pure curiosity. "All the noise in this room at once?"

"It's different," interjected Jess, who had torn her eyes away from the busy meeting room to meet my own. "Typically, werewolves can't tolerate loud noises like highly-pitched songs and public, crowded places. But this is only the case with the outside world-the world apart from the lycanthropic one. The sounds in this noisy room don't bug us because our ears are not affected by a werewolf's voice in that same agitated way."

"Why is that?" I couldn't help but ask.

Jess shrugged.

"Another mystery question to leave for Dr. Urchdoff," Caleb answered.

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