Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"My's time to get up." A soft, silky voice pulled me out of my dreams and I could feel my shoulder being gently rubbed. My eyes slowly opened and a stream of light, coming though the opened window, shone in them. I rolled to my side with a groan and yawned in an unladylike way. "My lady you need to get ready."

"Five...more...minuets." I slowly said and yawned again. Suddenly my fur blankets were ripped away and the cold of winter clawed at my bare legs and arms. Goosebumps rippled over my body and I curled up into a ball, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Like I said, you have many duties to attend to so you need to get ready." That same smooth voice sighed and I opened one eye to see my butler Dean. His short red hair caught the sun perfectly and his whole face looked like it was chiselled out of marble, his bright green eyes stared daggers through me. "You are the queens shadow and I am your butler and as your butler I need to make sure you are presentable for let's say...your meeting with the queens guard dog in five minutes?"

"What!" I bleated and scrambled out of bed, I had a few maids come and get me ready in a tight fitting black dress with golden embroidery. I do prefer the colour (f/c) but I was told to wear black, apparently it was symbolic for being the queens shadow. The maids fiercely brushed my hair and pinned it up into a neat bun and added a black gemstone head piece. I walked out of my room and Dean was standing as straight as a wooden plank outside my door. He was wearing the usual butler suite and his red hair was in its usual neat state, he bowed down low and escorted me to the front of the manor. I tugged nervously at the laced sleeves of my dress and Dean quickly batted my hands to stop. A Black carriage pulled up into the courtyard and I held my breath as the carriage door opened. I wondered what the queens guard dog looked like, was he big and mean? Was he old or middle aged? I had a picture painted in my mind and I noticed a man step out of the carriage. His movements screamed out grace and fluidity, I stared in awe as I saw his ruby red eyes and Raven hair. He was rather tall and had porcelain like skin, clear of any imperfection. He was wearing a butler suite and he held his chin with a gloved hand. I realised I was staring and he was too and I quickly broke my gaze by looking back to the carriage. A boy stepped out and I raised my eyebrows, who was that? He couldn't be the queens guard dog, he was just a boy. I noticed he was wearing an eyepatch and one of his black gloved hands had a ring with a silver band and a big blue gemstone shining in the morning sun. His blue eye locked onto my (e/c) eyes and it was silent for a few heartbeats. I quickly snapped out of my daze and curtsied towards the boy, "good morning, uh...what may I call you?" I nervously rubbed the back of my neck and Dean face palmed.

"I am Lord phantomhive, the queens guard dog but you may call me Ciel." He bowed and gave me a small smile, I instantly knew it was fake. "May I please see the queens shadow?"

"You're looking at her." I pointed my thumbs at myself and smiled happily. Ciel looked rather surprised and I already knew why. "I know, I know. How could a woman possibly get the role of the queens shadow? But the thing is, how could such a young boy get the role of queens guard dog?"

"My apologies." Ciel sighed and the finely dressed man stepped forward. "This is Sebastian, my butler."

"Hello." I gleefully shook his hand and I could hear my butler growl. I quickly walked back to his side and dug my elbow into his ribs, he immediately stopped his growling but I could see from the corner of my eyes that he was glaring at Sebastian. "This is Dean." I patted my butler on the shoulder and still had my elbow dug into his ribs.

"Dean? What a strange name." Sebastian smirked and his eyes flashed a sudden pink, I knew what that meant. I was going to host a demon and the queens guard dog in my own home, it seemed like I was going to have a wonderful time. I looked up at Dean and saw that his eyes were pink as well.

Shadows heart (Sebastian x reader) book 1Where stories live. Discover now