Chapter 12

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(Y/N) P.O.V

my heavy leather boots sent echoes through the dark alleyway, despite it being broad daylight I couldn't see very well. Clouding in front of me, my breath was soft and calm as I walked past beggars and sketchy looking characters, Dean was a step behind me. Occasionally growling at the passer by who so much as looked at me the wrong way, he seemed to be growing more protective. I held my hands behind my back whilst walking gracefully towards our destination, my eyes gleamed with a deadly spark and most would say I looked like a shadow ready to kill. We turned a corner and a smile spread across my face as I read the words 'the undertaker.' I pushed the door open and walked inside, it was surprisingly warm but was extremely dark, with only a few candles offering the slightest bit of light. Dean started to get a little too close and his eyes darted around every corner of the room, awaiting danger. Suddenly there was a laugh behind me and the feeling of sharp nails softly running against the back of my neck and choker. I didn't go rigid of stiff, I didn't show any fear. I just stood their with a stoic expression and held my chin up proudly. The nails disappeared and a man with long grey hair stood in front of us, his eyes were covered by his fringe and he showed no skin with his long robe.

"I never thought the queen's shadow would visit me today!" He sounded surprised but with a hint of sarcasm, well maybe sarcasm but it might as well been madness. "What can I do for you." His body trait he'd slightly and a large grin revealed his surprisingly white teeth. I expected them to be yellowed and decayed.

Dean stepped forward and replied, "we are here seeking information about the black market and where to find the area of the black market where people are sold."

"Rather specific in your search." The undertaker tapped his finger against his lips, deep in thought. "I'll do it but there is one thing I want." He slinked back into the shadows and my eyes scanned the darkness for any signs of movement. Dean began to get rather fidgety and I looked down at one of his hands, which was slightly pushed in front of me.

"What is it that you want." I called out into blank space and I heard a soft chuckle, the nails appeared again but this time they slithered round my throat as ankh her hand wrapped itself around my waste. My nose scrunched up at the smell of the undertakers breath.

"I want your story." He whispered in my ear, his voice clearly holding insanity. "Tell me it and I'll tell you all of what you want to know." I shivered slightly and Dean immediately pulled me away, growling like he always does. I spun round not seeing the undertaker, there was a loud laugh and I looked to my right seeing him sitting down on a chair with a cup of tea. I shifted in the spot uncomfortably and sat down in the chair opposite him.

"Okay...I'll tell you my story."

Sebastian's P.O.V

I was walking through London with my master, thinking about (Y/N). I had to go, I couldn't disobey Ciel, I couldn't go against our contract. But leaving was one of the few hardest things I had to do. My eyebrows furrowed together and I bit my lip as if I was trying to stop myself from saying anything. I suddenly came to my senses when Ciel stopped walking and looked up at the building the undertaker works in.

"Have you got a joke ready?"

"Yes my master."

Ciel was about to open the door but it was suddenly yanked open. My eyes widened when I saw an angry looking (Y/N) storming out of the shop with the demon Dean close behind. Her (e/c) eyes locked onto mine and I saw a slight flash of emotion, but it was quickly wiped away as she practically made herself look emotionless. Her eyes narrowed and her hands were clenched. She shook her head and looked down at my young master with a smile. "Hello Ciel, I trust you are doing well." That voice, I missed it too much. So silky, so smooth, so relaxing.

"I could be better, the queen sent me to deal with illegal shipments." He sighed and (Y/N) rolled her eyes whilst crossing her arms.

"I hate that job, with all the liars and sketchy sailors. One of the few reasons why I only except kidnapping jobs." She groaned and I chuckled slightly. (Y/N) however didn't seem impressed and glared at me.

"May I ask what you were doing in the undertakers shop?" Ciel quickly spoke up, as if to ease the tension. (y/n)'s eyes flickered over to Ciel and her smile returned.

"Oh you know, the casual stuff. Trying to find the man who killed my family and sold me off." She casually said with sarcasm. I let her words process in my mind and I realised that if she found that man then...the contract would be complete and her soul would be devoured. She would basically be dead. "Sadly the stuff he told me was not useful at all." Relief flooded through me and I smiled slightly, I needed to stop her from completing the contract.

"(Y/n) we need to go." Dean laid a hand on her shoulder and she smiled warmly at him, when did they start talking again? I felt myself step into rage when I saw her gentle  laying a hand on his and they both stared into each other's eyes, were they more than whatever they were? My eyes glowed pink as deans eyes wandered over to me, a smirk replacing his warm smile. The two walked off, arms linked together, and I watched the woman I loved leave. I twisted round to Ciel and he was wearing the usual expressionless face.

"Master why didn't you tell her about the engagement?" I asked and Ciel closed his eye with a frown, shaking his head he proceeded to the undertakers door. "Master?"

"She will find out soon enough"

Shadows heart (Sebastian x reader) book 1Where stories live. Discover now