Chapter 19

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Both me and Sebastian traveled back to my manor. The demon was waiting in my room whilst I washed myself in my large bathing room. Leaning back with a groan, I enjoyed the feeling of the hot water relaxing my stiff muscles. I smiled to myself when I really thought everything was piecing together and that I couldn't be any more happier. Suddenly the door to the bathing room was quietly opened, in hopes that I didn't hear the individual come in. I smirked to myself knowing who it was due to the steady pattern of their footsteps. "Well Sebastian out all the things you are I didn't know a pervert was one of them." I chuckled and I heard a nervous cough coming from behind me, twisting round I saw my demon lover and winked at him. Pressing my body against the side of the pool like bath so he couldn't see anything.

"I am no pervert." Sebastian put a hand to his heart and looked away with a drastic fling of his free arm, he relaxed out of his pose and pulled off his tie. "I just wish to join you." My cheeks burned when he pulled off his jacket and shirt. His perfectly toned muscles caught most of my attention and I flung my self around when Sebastian let out a knowing chuckle. I covered my face with my hands, having the image of Sebastian brand itself into my brain. Why am I so shy? I've seen all of him before, it just didn't make any sense. Soon Sebastian lowered himself into the bath and made his way over to me, his eyes staring deep into my (e/c) orbs. My cheeks, even though they were already hot, were sent blazing and I looked down into the water to hide my obvious blush. A soft hand gently grabbed my chin and pulled it up so I could look into his crimson red eyes, he smiled affectionately at me and placed a lingering peck to my forehead. One of his hands was placed on the small of my back and pressed my body against his, his other hand moved to the back of my neck as he pulled his head back to look at me once more. I didn't know what he was thinking about but he just kept on staring at me with a smile and a loving spark in his eyes. "I'm one lucky demon." Normally I could detect when people were lying or bluffing but his words sounded genuine and that brought a wide smile onto my face. But then a sudden thought cried out in my mind. What happens next? Sebastian is a demon and would live forever, but I was mortal. I would grow old and die whilst he would watch me slowly waste away. My smile was gone and Sebastian snapped me out of my train of thought by pecking the tip of my nose. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" I looked up at him and saw genuine concern, but that made me feel even worse.

"Sebastian what...what will this relationship develop into? I know it's fact too early to be thinking about this kind of thing're immortal and I'm..." I couldn't finish of my sentence and looked away, biting my lip with shame written on my face. Why did I just have to ruin the mood?

"I don't care what happens I'm staying with you and when it comes to the day you die do I!" His words caught me off guard and I pushed him off of me, shaking my head. He had just said to me that he would kill himself when I am dead myself, there was no way I could allow that.

"No you need to carry on living...even without me." I cupped his cheeks and stared deep into his eyes. "I would never want the man I love to follow me to the grave." Sebastian's eyes were Sad and he kissed the palm of my left hand, he then pulled his face out of my hands and grabbed the hand he had kissed.

"Very well but I'm not making promises." He sighed and stared at his thumb stroking across my hand. "Once I get Ciel's soul, I'll make sure I spend more time with you, for this..." He brought my knuckles up to his lips and smiled warmly at me, "is special and every second I spend with you is the most precious memory that I will always keep." My cheeks flared up again and the romantic mood was back again. Maybe I shouldn't bring up this subject again.

We were both out of the bath and were dressed in new clothes, eating lunch outside in a gazebo. conversation had lasted hours and I barely touched my food. Throughout the whole chat I realised that the great demon Sebastian actually had a funny side, he even revealed one of his secret jokes he only told the undertaker, which made me spit out my tea in laughter. The whole time I was around Sebastian, I felt relaxed and happy but there something really bugging me. It felt like someone was watching me and it made the hair on my neck stand up. "And then the whole crowd was silent, just staring at the naked man in front of them." I weakly laughed at the ending of Sebastian's story and he caught onto it immediately. "What wrong?"

"I feel like someone is watching me."

"So you recognised it as well." Sebastian leaned back in his chair and looked in the direction of the forest connecting to my garden. "He's definitely watching us, that I'm sure about."

"Wait...he?" I raised an eyebrow and looked in the same direction Sebastian's eyes were staring at. Then I saw him. Standing between the trees with a stoic expression in his face, his brown hair was slicked back and he was rather tall. A pounding headache suddenly hit me and I hissed in pain as I held my head in my hands, my eyes traveled back to the stranger as my head started to feel lighter than a feather. Without any warning my body slid off the chair and I fell to the floor as the darkness claimed me.

Spiders...spiders all around me. A voice. Calling my name with a certain kind of sweetness that seemed familiar.

A past life. Many men, women and children standing tall above me as I kneel down with loyalty. A spider upon my shoulder whispering things to me.

A man holding a sword above his head. Bright inhuman eyes and glasses catching the sun. Burning pain in my stomach, blood spilling out of my body. An unfamiliar darkness.

A new me. Different body, different mind. True form locked behind bars of iron. Reborn...reborn...I am reborn!

I gasped awake and sat up, beads of  sweat dribbled down my neck and I grabbed my throat. I needed water or anything to soothe my burning throat, my breathing seemed cracked and wheezy as I looked to my side and saw a pitcher of water. Without any hesitation, I didn't bother grabbing a glass and drank straight from the heavy pitcher. There was long pause as the only sound breaking the silence was me gulping down the precious contents and the occasional gasp, as I quickly retook some needed oxygen. I finally put the pitcher down and was relieved that I was around the familiar decoration of my room. But how did I get there?  I hesitantly got out of bed, suddenly when I put all of my weight on my feet I fell back and held my head as dizziness took over my senses. What the hell has happened to my body!?

"(y/n)?" I looked up at the sudden voice calling my name and saw Dean leaning down so his face levelled with mine. His emerald eyes cutting straight through me with a questioning curiosity. "Are you sick?" He worriedly placed the back of his hand on my forehead and his eyes narrowed as he felt the abnormal temperature seep into his cold hands. "You have a very high fever...get back in bed." For some reason I felt rather rebellious and crossed my arms as I attempted another stand, but like the last time I couldn't handle my weight. However I was falling forwards instead of back into my bed. A pair of strong arms stopped me from hitting the ground and I could barely keep my eyes open. My breathing became heavier and quicker as my body tried to deal with the sudden sickness. With a heavy sigh, Dean tucked me into bed and patted my blanket slightly but I suddenly kicked my legs out groaning.

"Ugh too hot!" The blanket fell to the floor and Dean rolled his eyes.

"I hate it when you get sick." He joked and I stuck my tongue out at him. "I'll be back, I just need to grab a few things." He waved slightly as he left the room and I closed my eyes when fatigue hit me. But a sudden whisper in my ear opened my eyes.

"aww is my little butterfly sick?"

Shadows heart (Sebastian x reader) book 1Where stories live. Discover now