Chapter 17

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Sebastian's P.O.V

rage, that was all I could feel. Red, hot, burning rage making every action and movement of mine violent and uncontrolled. Just the thought of Janiman putting his hands on (Y/N) sent me over the edge, but when I saw him strangling her I was an animal. I didn't know that I was ripping  off his arm until I felt the blood spraying onto my body, but I wasn't disgusted...I was overjoyed that he was in pain. Dean took (Y/N) out of the room and I kicked Janiman hard in the gut. He fell to the floor, still screaming over the pain of his missing arm and I grabbed his white hair, continually ramming it into the floor. But it wasn't enough. I wasn't satisfied with the amount of pain he was feeling, he deserved more. I was about to slam his head against the floor again but I was suddenly thrown back by an unseen force. My back hit the wall on the other end of the room and staggered up to my feet, the pain in my back brought me back to reality a bit and I gained some control over my sanity. shocked, my eyes widened when I saw Janiman laughing as a bright light surrounded his missing arm and when it faded away a new one was in its place.

"w-what!" I growled and balled my hands into tight fists. "how is it possible!" Janiman flexed his new fingers and smirked in my direction. He relaxed his arm, staring at me with a challenging glare.

"you really thought that this would be easy?" his menacing laugh dripped insanity and his body twitched and shook. it was silent for a few heart beats until a slight hiss of a blade being drawn from its sheath, my eyes snapped in the direction and saw Janiman holding a pure black blade, that looked like it was dripping shadows. "I couldn't exactly find the living sheath for the sword that could kill demons but this was a good substitute. Made by priests to exercise those under the control of a demon, this sword will vanquish you to the depths of hell and will never roam this world again." I took a step back, realising that I was at a major disadvantage and was searching for some sort of way to kill him without dying myself.

"who the hell are you!" I snarled, still trying to think of ideas to get out of this whole ordeal.

"why do people keep on asking me this even though they know the answer?" Janiman sighed whilst raising the sword up, "I am Janiman the magician...a humble human." he bowed down, but before I could react his head snapped up and sliced the blade up towards me. Jumping back I narrowly dodged the lethal weapon and fell back into a vase. as soon as it crashed to the ground Janiman attacked again but this time it was a repeated slice, panic washed over me as well as a burning pain  coming from a cut on my shoulder. If this sword could cause so much pain with a small cut then how unbearable would be if I was to me impaled by it. "Give up demon, you could still have your life if you give me (Y/N)!" Panting through gritted teeth, the psychopath pushed the blade up to my throat and pinned me against the wall. How could a mere human keep up with me? But when I heard him mention (Y/N) something switched inside me. A large black cloud surrounded me as my true form came out and Janiman was scared, but looked happy and amused. My eyes were glowing pink and I grabbed his throat, hoisting him up into the air with a low growl. The blade however was still against my throat, but I did not care one bit.

"I don't care about my life in comparison to (Y/N)'s, she means more to me than anything in the world." I slammed him down onto the floor and my lips pulled back in a snarl to reveal my now sharp teeth. "I would gladly give my life away if it means she will live!" I used my free hand to grab his wrist and twisted it so he would drop the blade, the satisfying crunch of bone drew a smirk from me and I listened to his scream like a song. But suddenly that scream turned into a full blown laugh and he shook his head dramatically, I growled and grabbed the sword. The metal burned in my grip as I plunged it down into his chest, despite the slight groan Janiman continued to laugh. He grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer to whisper in my ear.

"You say that you would do anything to keep her alive but doesn't this mean you killed her yourself." He chuckled in between laughs and my eyes widened in realisation of my mistake. Janiman would obviously be dead and Dean...takes (Y/N)'s soul. "You just dug her grave for her." His grip loosened and I watched as the life drained from his eyes. I practically killed the woman I loved. I'm sorry (Y/N) please forgive me.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

The screaming stopped, was Janiman dead? My eyes trailed over to Dean and it looked like he noticed as well. He sniffed the air and a solemn expression Replaced his stoic one. There was a long awkward pause and we just both stared at each other, realising what this means. So it was time. I stood up from my seat and walked over to my butler who was sitting down on another chair, his green eyes followed my every movement and I smiled warmly at him. I ran a hand through his hair and then wrapped my arms around his neck, whispering in his ear "thank you Dean...for everything you have done, ever since I was child you was there and I there is no one in this world who deserves my soul more than you." Dean was frozen in my embrace  but I didn't care if he wouldn't return it. There was yet again another long pause and his arms hesitantly returned my hug. suddenly something wet rolled down my shoulder as he put his head against it and his shoulders shook, he was desperately trying to hold back the already rolling tears and i myself felt tears prick at my eyes.

"Why did it have to be you that I made a contract with." His voice cracked slightly and his grip on me tightened, I stroked his head affectionately as if he were a crying child. "You don't deserve this." Tears dropped from my eyes and a small sad whimper escaped my closed mouth. Without thinking I buried my face into his hair and sang the song he sang to me the day we met.
(Play if you want but you don't have to if you don't want to)

Dean pulled back, smiling at me. "You remembered." His voice sounded thankful and I wiped a stray tear of his. Suddenly he grabbed his head groaning, "I can't do this!"


"You're in love with that crow! He makes you happy and...and deserve all the happiness in the world for all of the shit you've been through!"

"So does that mean..."

"I'm not taking your soul (Y/N)." Dean stood up and pulled off his gloves, revealing the contracts symbol. He placed his palm on the back of my neck and growled, "this contract is over!" I felt a searing hot pain on the back of my neck and I squeezed my eyes shut at the pain. It soon subsided and I saw that the contract symbol on Deans palm was gone.

"Dean." I whispered and he looked away from me. "What will happen to you?"

"I will continue being your matter what this world will throw at us I will protect you."

Shadows heart (Sebastian x reader) book 1Where stories live. Discover now