Chapter 5

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Sebastian's P.O.V

I searched for (Y/N) everywhere and a slight feeling of panic washed over me. She was right behind me and when I turn around she was gone! I soon came across a large market and a large crowd of people stood in front of a stage and I saw a strangely dressed man yap on about a magician. I was about to turn around but I then saw (Y/N) walk onto the stage dressed in revealing clothes. She was smiling and the man on stage wrapped an arm around her shoulders. I was able to squeeze past many men and women to get a closer look and I glared at the man holding (Y/N).

"Now for the moment you have been waiting for! May I present to you... Janiman!" Smoke filled the stage as a loud bang traveled through the air. The thick, grey smoke cleared and on the stage stood a man with pure white hair and dark blue eyes. He wore a white suit and top hat which had a black ribbon tied around it. The man holding (Y/N) was gone and was replaced by the magician. He smiled and waved to the crowd and I crossed my arms whilst everyone else clapped and whooped. I saw a few women swoon at the mere sight of him and I rolled my eyes.

"Hello to you all! I am happy to be here today and perform some magic." As he said that fireworks blasted up into the air and I saw (Y/N) grip onto Janiman tighter. I assumed she was afraid of fireworks. A coffin was rolled onto the stage and Janiman guided (Y/N) over to it. He opened the lid and she laid inside it. "For this trick my lovely assistant will lay in this coffin while I saw it in half! But don't you fear, she shall not die!" The coffin rose up from the ground and he pulled out a saw, I balled my hands up into fists,, trying not to stop him, as I watched him cut through the coffin. Soon it was cut in half and everyone gasped as they all thought she was dead. Surely nobody would survive that sort of thing. Janiman then pushed the coffin back together and he opened the lid, (Y/N) stepped out smiling and everyone clapped. The magic show carried on for what seemed like hours and the magician finally shouted out, "for my last trick I shall make (Y/N) disappear before your very eyes!" He threw a blanket over (Y/N), who was laying on a table, and waved his hands in the air. A drumroll started and the crowd stared in anticipation. He yanked the blanket away and (Y/N) was gone. Everyone clapped as he bowed and then announced the show over. Everyone separated and carried on with their daily lives, while I waited for (Y/N) to walk out and see me. I started to grow worried and walked behind the stage to see that nobody was there.

"Like always your night in shining armour must rescue you again." I sighed to myself and looked for any clues on where they took (Y/N). I soon came across a map of the underground sewers and saw a large 'x' marking a large chamber. "Here I come."

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I was sitting down in a cramped cage with my arms crossed and an angry scowl plastered onto my face. I stared back at the people who gripped at the cage bars and gawked at me as if I were some type of animal at the zoo. Arthur was smiling whilst Will placed a cup of water in my cage. I kicked it away and the contents spilled onto the ground, I looked away pouting and it was silent except from the constant drip of water from the mossy ceiling of the sewer. At first I thought they were nice people but now...I didn't like them one bit. But there was one thing I noticed, Jack was awfully protective of the cage.

"Hands off the bars!" He snapped and everyone jumped back surprised. Though I hadn't known him for long, I knew he was a man of little words so it was a surprise to everyone. He sat down in front of my cage and stared all of the performers down. "Next person to come near this cage will get a knife in the throat." The twins came up from behind the cage and prodded curiously at me, I scrambled over to the side Jack was and he flung two knifes close to their heads as a warning shot.

"S-sorry Jack!" The twins squeaked at the same time and scampered away. Will stared at me from far away and crossed his arms as his eyes trailed down to Jack.

Shadows heart (Sebastian x reader) book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon