Help me out!!!

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Do not skip! Could be a future x reader book about black butler!!

So after I finish part time thief, which might take longer than I expected, I am thinking of doing a ciel x reader. But then I thought ooooo what about a grell x reader and then all of these different people came to mind and I don't know what to pick. So I thought, hey why not ask you awesome people! So please comment which of the following people you want me to write an X reader for.
1- ciel X reader
2- grell X reader
3- William X reader
4- soma X reader
5- Agni X reader
6- undertaker X reader
7- Sebastian x reader (second book)
The one with the highest comments will be the winner. But remember it will come out once I'm finished with part time thief!

Shadows heart (Sebastian x reader) book 1Where stories live. Discover now