Chapter 21

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

There was a long silence and I couldn't stop staring at the demon in front of me. Dean's emerald green eyes full of shame and guilt, he couldn't even look me in the eye and that confused me even more. How could I possibly be Anna? Dean suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me into an embrace so strong it felt as if he was trying to cling to life itself. My arms slowly snaked around his large frame and his head was buried between my neck and shoulder, he was almost like a child. "'re not telling me something are you?" I stroked his head when i could feel it shaking a no. "When tell me what happened. The demon didn't make a move to pull away but instead slid his head up slightly so he could speak clearly.

"Anna was the woman I loved very much, we were engaged even though it isn't very common among demons. She had beautiful cyan hair and a darker shade of blue for eyes, i remember the last day i had with her..."

No ones P.O.V (flashback)
It was Hallows eve and all of the creatures of the dark gathered up for the annual ball on the special occasion. Demons, phantoms, grim reapers and more. Even though it was the time of year where peace comes between all of the creatures, there were of course a few scuffles and each race had their own kind of corner. Suddenly all of the candles within the room were blown out and all chatter died with the light, the main doors leading into the ballroom were swung open. There stood four demons with smirks upon their perfect faces. The one in lead was a female with long cyan hair, the skirt of her (f/c) dress dragging along the ground and behind her. Silence was broken by the sound of her heels clicking against the marble floor and the occasional whisper between a few gossips. The three other demons then followed after the dangerous looking female and even the other demons within the room grew weary. "Sorry we're late, you see Hannah had to help me get into the blasted thing." The cyan haired female pulled at her dress as she gestured with her chin over to another female demon.

"What's up with the silence please carry on with the ball." A tall fair man with glasses over his yellow eyes piped up and the band timidly started playing again whilst the servant relit the candles. Conversation started again and demon female turned round to her brother when he spoke up again. "I told you Anna, we were going to be late yet again."

"Oh do be quiet claude, you'll get wrinkles with all that stress." Anna waved her hand dismissively only to have it gently grabbed by her fiancé, "oh! Dean sorry dear i didn't see you."

"Its fine, i was just hoping i could have this dance." He bowed down and then led the female demon over to the dance floor. Whilst the happy couple danced the night away, two pairs of loathing eyes watched them with a burning hatred.

"Remember Hannah, when the time comes I will need the sword." Claude growled and glared at his sisters happy smile. "She cannot go on like this!"

"Im not too sure about this anymore, she's my friend and your sister!" Hannah unsurely played with the sleeves of her dress and flinched when the male demons grip clamped down on her shoulder. He brought his lips close to her ear and exhaled a sigh.

"Don't you want Dean? Once she's gone he's yours for the taking." His voice was but a purr and hannah's eyes were set on the dancing red head. His beautiful green eyes were not set on her though, they were staring down lovingly at Anna. "She will always come first when she's alive."

"When will we do it?" Hannah's voice was low and threatening, making Claude smile at the small victory his words got him. He then whispered the plans into the female demons ear whilst she stared at the couple with jealousy burning in her eyes.


Anna stood outside on the balcony, the music within the ballroom was now muffled by the walls. She stared up at the sky waiting for Dean to come back with their drinks. Suddenly a person cleared their throat behind her, making the female demon turn around and seeing her friend Hannah, but it wasn't the most welcoming sight. She had the demon sword, which was supposed to be inside her, in her hand and her eyes glowed in anger. Anna pressed herself against the stone railing of the balcony, not sure on how to react at the sight. "Hannah what are yo-" she was suddenly interrupted by Hannah when she kept forward with a growl. Anna just barely dodged the revengeful females blow. "Hannah stop this!" But the purple haired demon ignored her friend as she tried another swipe, this time cutting Anna's cheek. Blood seeped out into the cold night air and the betrayed female staggered back, but when she looked back up she saw that Claude was standing in the doorway. "Claude! Please help me, Hannah has gone crazy!" Anna clung to her brothers arm but his menacing gaze made her unleash him, there was a long pause until he suddenly grabbed her throat, hoisting her up into the air. "C-Claude!" she was thrown back and over the ledge of the balcony, everything going in slow motion as she saw her brother jump down after her with the sword in hand. As soon as her body smashed into the ground, the male demon stabbed the sword into her chest. Blood splattered onto the ground around her and some slowly dribbled out of her mouth. Tears left her light blue eyes as betrayal was the last emotion she felt.

"You would of taken every soul left on this earth if i left you to live. Burn in hell sister."


Hannah stared at the body below from a safe distance on the balcony and jumped slightly at the sudden voice coming from behind her, "where's Anna?" She turned around seeming Dean with two glasses in hand, his head cocked to the side slightly as he saw the female demon act strange. There was a slight disturbance coming from behind her and the curious demon walked to the stone railing only to see the woman he was looking for in a pool of her own blood with the demon sword sticking out of her. Claude was looking up at the enraged and broken Dean as a slight smirk spread against his blood stained lips. He took a slight bow and disappeared into the night.

"D-dean i can explai-"

"ANNA!" Dean shouted over the female and jumped down to his fiancé. He picked up her lifeless body as sobs escaped his open mouth, tears spilled from his eyes and he rocked her gently whilst burying his face in her hair. His whole world came crashing down as his heart began to crack at the realisation the love of his life-his whole reason to living-was dead. "Please don't leave me!" His voice was cracked and broken when his loud sobs overcame his voice. Hannah watched as the man she loved cried over another woman

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"The next day i get a heartfelt apology letter, written by Hannah revealing all that happened." Dean's eyes began to water as i stared deep into them. "Then after hundreds of years I...sensed her soul. That soul was you (y/n), from the very beginning I couldn't help but serve you...just to be near...Anna." I wiped the tears rolling down his cheeks away and smiled sadly at him.

"It's time to move on Dean, I'm sure Anna would of wanted that." I whispered but then Dean chuckled slightly.

"Knowing that woman, she would of wanted me fawning over her forever." He chuckled again and took a deep breath to calm his emotions. "But the thing is, you still have a demon still are Anna...we just need to unlock it."

"And I can help with that." A deep voice suddenly said and the two looked over to see Claude.

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