Chapter 9

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

It took me a while to get ready. The maids had to make a few adjustments on my dress because of how much weight I lost and they had to put a mask of makeup on to make me look like my normal self, even though it wasn't much help. I smoothed down the skirt of my sleek (F/C) dress and released a sigh, my hand was laid on the door to my lounging room and right in the room was my visitor. He's description was given to me before hand and I already knew who it was. No matter how long we haven't seen each other I still know the look of his purple hair, the way the Indian sun shon upon it like a crown for the prince he is. I still remember how we met. I travelled all the way over to Bengal in India, as a sort of holiday, and was staying in the royal palace  as a guest. Somehow, I got into a big...predicament when the King wanted me to marry one of his sons. The man I was about to meet was the 26th son and through the kindness of his heart, he helped me out of my situation and we became fast friends. I tried to contain my excitement and an idea for a prank came to mind, I slowly opened the door and was immediately engulfed in my old friends arms. I didn't hug back and tried to make my body as stiff as possible.

"Uhh...who are you?" I pushed him back and saw his green eyes widen in shock.

"W-what? It's me (Y/N)'s Soma." He placed his hands on my shoulders and I kept my smile back. "How could you forget me!" He looked like he was about to cry and I felt extremely bad. I should of known that Soma would of acted this way, he was always a sensitive man. I quickly hugged him tightly and giggled as he was taken aback by my sudden movement.

"I'm just kidding! I'll always remember you." I laughed and he hugged back, tighter than last time. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too!" Soma shouted at the top of his lungs and I quickly put my hand over his mouth to keep him quiet. I removed his hand and crossed my arms whilst tapping my foot on the floor.

"Where's Agni?" I asked but was suddenly answered by a bandaged hand hovering in front of my eyes and the sound of soft breathing came from behind me. I twisted round and hugged the big softy Agni and he chuckled whilst hugging back. "It's great to see you both!" I pulled back and ushered them both to a seat each by the fireplace. I sat down on a chair in front of them and smiled widely at the pair. I hadn't seen them in such a long time and yet it seemed like I had seen their faces only a day ago. "So...what brings you here?"

"Ah...well..." Soma trailed off and rubbed the back of his neck whilst his eyes darted to the floor. Agni bit his lip and looked at the floor as well. Was their a stain there or something? Soma released a sigh and looked me in the eyes. 

"Are you going to answer?" I tried to joke around but the serious vibe I was getting wasn't going away.

"(Y/N). You know how my father wanted to make you marry one of my brothers? Well...he still wants you in the family. I tried talking him out of it but in the end that only made him more determined, he even made the choice of who you would have to marry." Soma gently grabbed my hands and released a sigh. "(Y/N) he wants you to marry me."

"Oh." I couldn't say any other word. In my mind I had thousands of things to say but the just wouldn't come out. I pulled my hands away and bit my lip slightly.

"Look Soma's father is a King. I know he hasn't got as much power here as he has in Bengal but he can still reach you and he is a very determined man. Once he wants something or something to be done, he would always get his way." Agni spoke up and tried to give me a reassuring smile, "you won't have to worry about a thing, both me and Soma will take great care of you. You could marry into royalty."

"Oh." Yet again not enough words came out and I mentally slapped myself for my stupidity. Suddenly the door to the hallway swung open and I saw Sebastian standing straight and his face was calm. Even though he looked calm in the eyes and face, his body said otherwise. He stomped over to me and picked me up from my chair, he then sat down in it with me on his lap. I already knew what he was doing. He was basically saying she's mine in his own way. My cheeks reddened and both Agni and Soma were shocked, it's not exactly everyday a man stomps in and interrupts the conversation by making a person sit on his lap. "Um Sebast-" I was cut off by Sebastian's lips crashing onto mine and I gasped onto his lips, he used that as his chance to slip his tongue in and I pushed back from him gasping again. I was suddenly pulled out of Sebastian's lap by Agni and he stood in front of me with his hand ready to unwrap his bandages.

"How dare you!" Agni shouted and Sebastian crossed a leg over his other one and propped his chin in his hand.

"I'm sorry but I should say that to you." Sebastian smirked as his eyes glowed pink. "You see that lovely creature behind you is not available for marriage." I shivered at the threatening tone of his voice and took a step back.

"I don't see a wedding ring." Soma spoke up and wrapped an arm around my shoulders protectively. "I don't care if you are a friend or servant of my good friend Ciel, I will not allow you to touch (Y/N)!"

"The problem is that Ciel doesn't even like you as a friend." Sebastian stood up and stared at Soma menacingly. "You are just a spoil brat who can't take the answer no since he had been babied all his life. You throw your little fits and it's no mystery why Mina left you."

"Sebastian!" I shouted and looked over to Soma, seeing his usually happy face darken into sadness. He looked down at the ground and I saw a single tear fall to the floor. I clenched my hands into tight fists and glared at Sebastian. "Go and serve your master like the loyal lap dog you are." He glared back at me and left the room as fast as I could blink. Agni placed a hand on Soma's shoulder and I ordered a maid to fetch us some tea.

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