Chapter 8

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

As promised me and Ciel left to finish the case, it only took an hour to arrives at London and by the time we got there the sun was casting an orange glow on the dark city. My nose scrunched up as I smelt God knows what in the dirty streets of this place and I felt my skin crawl as I saw rats scampering around. Both Ciel and I had to dress up like one of the working class citizens and I shivered as the tatty clothes offered no warmth against the cold. As we walked further into the poorest parts of the city, I noticed the count of shady looking people rising. Prostitutes stood in doorways smoking cigars and wore clothes that barely covered them, men wobbling around drunk even though it was only morning and some people handing over money to another person only to receive a substance in a tiny bag. All of the shady people glanced our way and I even received a few winks. Suddenly large grubby hands grabbed my arm and I was forced onto the lap of a man reeking of alcohol and cigars. He smiled at me with yellowed teeth as he ran a hand through his long greasy hair, Ciel tried to pull me away from him but two other men kept him back. I wriggled in the mans grip and a deep chuckle escaped his closed lips. I noticed that his nose was wonky, which probably meant he broke it in a fight and it didn't heal well, and he also had a jagged scar across his throat.

"What's a beautiful gem doing in a place like this?" He slurred and I cringed at the mere sight and smell of him. "Are you for hire?"

"No I am not! I have some dignity thank you very much!" I slapped one of his hands before it could reach my chest. "Now let me go!"

"Oh is it because of that boy? Is he your son?" The man glanced over to Ciel who was still trying to get past the men.

"He's my nephew." I lied and was able to get out of his grip. He went to grab me again but I caught his hand and twisted it round, I still carried on twisting even though I heard cracking and I ignored his constant hits with his free hand. I kicked him in the stomach and grabbed Ciel by the arm, we both ran off and I let out a sigh of relief as we turned a corner. Second time in London and I already hated this place.

(Time skip)

We finally made it to the destination and I was awfully surprised at how...nice the place was. It was a large house that was clean and decent for human life, but the area it was in was disgusting. An orange glow flooded through a window as the curtains were drawn back and a man stood behind the window glaring at us. I saw his lips move as if he was talking but it was probably to someone who was in the house. The front door suddenly opened and a rigid maid gestured for us to go inside, I glanced over to Ciel and he gave me a reassuring look.

Once we were inside I felt like I stepped into my manor, every last bit of decoration was another version of mine. Of course I felt slightly creeped out, who wouldn't? Another door opened and the man who was at the window stared at us with wide eyes. He started to breath heavily and screamed, I stepped a few paces back as Ciel stood in front of me with his arms out.

"I-it's you!" The man screamed and ran towards us, "I can't believe it!" He pushed Ciel out of the way and engulfed me in his arms.

"Get off of me!" I shouted but I couldn't move my arms.

"Of course m'lady." He obeyed but didn't loose his grip on my hand. He dragged me into the room he came from and sat me down on a chair, he started to offer me food, drinks and even some jewellery. I turned down all of it until he suddenly gasped. "Oh I know what you would want!" He rang a bell and eight boys, with blonde hair, walked into the room with a certain emptiness in their movement. "Picked whatever one you want!" I walked up to the children and assessed each one to see if they could be saved, I noticed the two of the eight were too broken to be repaired. The rest I could fix.

"All of them." I sighed and guided them over to Ciel, I leaned down and whispered in his ear, "give me your gun and take the children to my manor." I stood up straight and saw Ciel nodding slightly. He then guided the children out of the house after he secretly passed me his gun. I twisted round towards the man smiling and hid the gun behind my back. "Thank you for the children!"

"I would do anything for the queens shadow!"

"How did you know?"

"Even though you have gone through some drastic changes with your appearance, I could recognise from anywhere. I'm your biggest fan so I know where you live, what your favourite food is and I even know your birthday!"

"You sad...sad man." I sighed as I pointed the gun at the man "it's my job to erase all evil from the queen's country. Be ready to be claimed by the shadows." I pulled the trigger and a loud bang echoed through the house, the man fell down onto the floor, in a pool of blood, laying limp and lifeless. I threw the gun across the room and left the house. It was quiet and I walked silently out of London.

(Time skip)

I finally made it home, I pushed the gate open and saw that Ciel was sitting on my doorstep asleep. He waited for me. I tiptoed towards him and gently shook his shoulder, his eye fluttered open and he quickly stood up. He was clearly embarrassed. I giggled to myself, but I suddenly felt hands snake around my waste and a chin was propped on top of my head.

"Welcome back (Y/N)." His smooth voice said and I felt happy at the sound of his voice. I twisted round and hugged the stupid demon as tight as I could. "Someone missed me."

"Shut up demon." I snapped but snuggled my face into his chest.

"Oh (Y/N)?"


"You have a visitor."

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