Chapter 22

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Sebastian's P.O.V

"SEBASTIAN!" FInny suddenly screamed as he ran towards the butler with a letter in hand. "I was told to give this to you and that its urgent!" I cocked my head to the side as i snatched the letter away. It had been three days after i left (y/n) to attended my duties to ciel and i was already on edge, waiting for any kind of news from her. Finny lingered around me and i glared coldly at him, getting the message he walked away in a rushed manor. I sat down in the dining room, staring at the smelled of her perfume. I smiled to myself as i opened the envelope and pulled out the message, my eyes skimming over the words. My smile soon dropped and i couldn't believe what i was reading. I quickly read the letter again but this time concentrated on each word.

To my dearest Sebastian,

It all turns out that I have a demons soul and that Anna, who was me in a past life, is still within me.
Using this new information I shall perform the ritual in which my demon soul shall be set free,
But i promise you I'll still be (y/n). I'll still be yours forever and maybe when I turn into a
Demon, forever would actually be possible. I thought you deserved to hear this from me before
I become the demon I once was. Wish me luck!


I crumpled up the paper and slammed it onto the table. If (y/n) was to trigger her demon soul, then Anna would...take over completely. I didn't care if Ciel was going to punish me for this but I had to get to (y/n) before it was too late.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I was sitting down on a single chair in the middle of a dark room, three demons surrounded me. One was a female and I didn't recognise her at all, Dean however seemed to of remembered her as if he saw her yesterday and his glare was set upon both her and Claude. Dean then bit his finger and drew a large pentagram on the floor with his blood and Claude lit three purple candles. My eyes wearily darted around and my hands and legs were strapped to the chair with ropes dipped in holy water. "With the blood of a demon we call upon you Anna! Take your soul back, harboured within this mortal. Breathe once again!" Claude suddenly chanted over and over again and both Dean and the woman joined in. At first nothing happened but then the pentagram underneath me started to glow, the three candles flames flickered uncontrollably and a pulsing sensation had rippled through the room. A burning pain stabbed deep into my chest made me scream out, earning the worried gaze of Dean but he didn't stop chanting. Waves of heat traveled through my body, making beads of sweat trickle down my body and my screaming grew louder as more pain started to spread around my back. "Anna breathe once again!" With one final line from all three demons a blinding white light blocked my vision and I found myself in a plain white room, but then i saw a woman standing at the other end of the room...staring.

"Y/n is it?" She asked and walked closer to me. Her cyan hair was swept over one shoulder and she stared at me with a kind of familiar spark. "You've kept me waiting."

"Im sorry but who are you?" I backed up a step and the woman chuckled sadly to herself.

"I am Anna, your past self...your demon self." Her blue eyes glowed pink and I gasped at the news. "Now for my question." She suddenly grabbed my chin and brought my face closer to her own. "Are you sure about becoming a demon?"


"Very well...I'll make sure everyone knows you said goodbye as well."

No one's P.O.V

It was silent in the room as the three demons stared at the limp body in the chair, Dean was almost going to snap and try to get his friend out of that state. That was until she woke up, she looked the same though. She still had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes but there was something about the way she looked around the room in a daze with a slight smile tugging at the corner of her lips. But her happiness was soon gone when she laid her eyes on Hannah and Claude. "'" She snarled and glared at the two, not realising that Dean was in the room. " bastards! I'll rip your throats out and show you how much it hurts to be stabbed by a demon sword! Untie me so I can make you feel the betrayal I once felt." She violently thrashed against her restraints and growled at an alarmingly loud tone. Her mind grew dark as all she could think about was revenge. Suddenly the ropes snapped and she leapt out of the chair, all was silent as the targets of her anger stood frozen in shock. Anna turned her gaze over to Hannah first and smiled sadistically at the female demon. "You were my friend...oh you're gonna feel a world of pain." She then sprinted towards the lilac haired demon and her claws started to get longer and sharper. The world had completely disappeared as she ripped her nails through the flesh of her old friend, Hannah couldn't even dodge since the females attacks were so fast and aggressive. Blood splattered to the floor as she suddenly shoved her hand down Hannah's throat, grasping onto the hilt of the sword. She wasn't at all careful with pulling the sword out and licked the blood off of its blade. "This sword, still stinks of my blood...i wonder if yours will block it out?" She then lunged forward as she slammed the blade down in Hannah's direction, this time the female demon was able to dodge her attack and Claude had stepped in to help.

"Anna stop this right now!" He shouted but his sister suddenly snapped her attention to him, but it was full of blood lust.

" brother. What did you say to me that night?" She looked at the blade with a sad look. "Burn in hell wasn't it?" Suddenly the male demon felt a sharp pain against his shoulder as he barely dodged her unexpected attack. "How could you do that to your own sister!" She screamed out her pain from long ago and stabbed the sword into his thigh, Anna then pressed the blade against his throat.

"There hasn't been a day that has gone by without me feeling guilty. I wanted you back Anna, it was pure jealousy that made me do that and I just want your forgiveness." He stared deep into her eyes and she halted her killing blow.

"You thought that i would forgive you...for what you did to me? You killed me!"

"Anna! Stop!" Dean finally shouted and his familiar voice shocked the female. She slowly turned around and saw his emerald green eyes filled with tears. "Please just...just stop."

"Dean?" She barely whispered and the two stared at each other. Anna dropped the sword and rushed to her lover, the two were entangled in an embrace as they sobbed into each others bodies. The two lovers, separated for hundreds of years, were finally together.

"I missed you damn it." Dean chuckled as he pulled back wiping away his tears. "But...what happened to (y/n)?"

"She doesn't exist anymore." She sighed and went to hug Dean again but he stepped back refusing her touch. "Dean? What are you doing?"

"(Y/n) doesn't exist anymore?" Dean shook his head and the room was silent, he then glanced up at Hannah and Claude.  "You never told me about that."

"There was no point, you would of had to pick between (y/n) and Anna and we knew you would of picked Anna." Claude tapped his foot and Anna tried her best not to attack him again. "But who cares Anna is alive."

"But Sebastian-"

"What about me." Everyone in the room twisted round and saw the red eyed demon glaring at them all.

Shadows heart (Sebastian x reader) book 1Where stories live. Discover now