Chapter 11

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  (Y/N)'s P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open and I twisted round on my bed, expecting to see Sebastian. But all I saw was an empty bed, my eyebrows furrowed and I felt sadness engulf my body. What a fool I was, thinking that I would wake up to a smile and deep red eyes, I shouldn't of expected that from a demon. I sat up in my bed with a frown and rung a bell for my maids to come in and help me dress, but they never came. I rung the bell again but got the same result.

"Where on earth are they?" I sighed to myself and got out of bed, pulling on a thin black silk robe and poking my head outside my door. The hallway was completely empty of life and I returned to my room grumbling to myself. I reached for the bell again but a cold hand landed on mine, pulling it away from the bell and pulled me into a strong chest.

"Mistress, if you needed help all you had to do was summon me." A familiar deep voice purred and I looked up into his bright green eyes, a lock of flaming red hair was slightly out of place and I widened my eyes in shock.

"Dean?" I questioned, as if it were some sort of dream. "I thought you hated me." I pulled back and took a step away from the demon. His red hair was combed nearly back and his green eyes stared deep into mine, shaking his head and laid his palm over his heart. He kneeled down, bowing his head and I could almost feel his shame.

"I do not hate you, I was angry back then but we still have that contract and... Our friendship." He grumbled the last part and averted his eyes away. Kneeling down in front of him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, as if the tighter my grip is the more it shows that I forgave him. He was stiff at the sudden touch of my small, frail arms and let out a slow sigh. He slithered his arms around my waste and I could almost feel him smiling. Suddenly he yanked himself back, sniffing the air around me, his eyes were glowing and his lips pulled back while he was snarling. I could see his elongated canines and rage fill his eyes. "His smell is all over you!"

"Who?" I tilted my head to the side and watched Dean bolt up to his feet, I followed and wouldn't rip my eyes away from him. We were just getting along a few seconds ago, what the hell happened?

"That crow!" He growled and I flinched at the viciousness in his voice. He saw he saw me flinch and immediately calmed down, "I...I'm sorry (y/n)...I...have realised in my absence, that I need to be in more control of my anger. I just don't want him taking your soul." He looked away and I ran a hand through my hair.

"Dean, he doesn't want to take my soul...he loves me." I smiled to myself and saw that he grew slightly agitated, but I carried on, "when the time comes, you will be the one to take my soul...not Sebastian. So you need to fulfil your end of the contract."  Dean was quiet and the tension in the air thickened, I thought he was gonna stay that way until he clenched his hands into tight fists.

"So your definition of a man loving you is when he leaves in the early hours of the morning with his master." He wouldn't look me in the eye. I shook my head in disbelief, I wouldn't accept that Sebastian would leave me like that. He would of left me on my own if it wasn't for Dean, Sebastian would of left me with my worst fear.  Something within me stirred, bubbled and spat, I clenched my hands into fists and I held back the tears that were already blurring my vision. I gave  him all of me, I committed myself to him in a way I never willingly did with any man. My heart pounded against my chest as my breathing started to become uneven. I told him that I loved him, I trusted him. He had seen me cry, smile and shout, he had seen all the sides of me...he saved me only to put me back in that dark hole. He was going to forget me, so I will forget him. My tears were no longer threatening to come out, I pushed my chin up and released a slow breath. I (y/n) (l/n) am strong, I am the queen's shadow and I command my own demon, I will not be dragged down by the burden of "love".

"Come Dean, I think we need to start to fulfil our contract." I said in a monotone voice and proudly walked over to my wardrobe, "leave, I'll dress myself."

(Time Skip)

I quietly shifted through old reports, ones that described similar incidents to my own. Whole families found dead except from one child, mainly girls, who's body was never found . Flashes of that night flickered in my mind, like a candle being lit. I shook my head and pushed the papers away, blinking rapidly and digging my nails into the old, chipped wood of my cushioned chair. There was a soft knock at my door and Dean gently opened it with a smile, I smiled back and saw the tray with a teapot and cup. He set the cup down and prepared my tea in front of me, my eyes followed his graceful movements and long elegant fingers. He then pushed the cup towards me with a bright smile and happy eyes. I grabbed the cup staring at the brown liquid, the smell dragged me in as I took a sip of the brew. A warm feeling spread from my stomach and I relaxed into my chair.

"You do know how to make a good cup of tea Dean." My voice was calm and silky.

"Thank you my lady." He bowed and walked round my desk, staring at the old reports the whole time. I watched his eyes trail past each word and his eyebrows knitted together, "so you think all of these cases link to yours?"

"Yes and I have a feeling we will need to investigate the black market, maybe some of the children are there." I ran a hand through my hair with a sigh and Dean twinned my action.

"What did you do with those other children you saved?" He questioned and my lips thinned at the memory.

I spoke up after a long pause, "I fixed them all, we'll all except the two boys who were the first to be taken. They were so broken that there eyes wouldn't focus on a thing but blank space. Didn't know their own names...their own families." I shook my head and took another sip of  my tea, "children are such fragile creatures." Saying that I remembered Ciel, the queen's guard dog. He was the most wisest and strongest child I knew and he had my upmost respect, I had heard the story of his past and there was no way any normal child could come back from that.

"very true." Dean interrupted my thoughts, picking up a report and sat down on a seat I front of my desk. His face twisted in concentration, his lips were parted and I could see that he was slightly mouthing each word he was reading. "When do you wish to investigate the black market?"

"Now." I stood up and pulled on a cloak, "off to the happy place called London we go."

Shadows heart (Sebastian x reader) book 1Where stories live. Discover now