Chapter 20

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

shock sent a wave of goosebumps to travel up my body, the sight of the man before me made my muscles tremble. It couldn't be a coincidence, the man before me was the same yellow eyes male in my nightmare. He stared at me with a small smirk on his lips and pushed his glasses up. I had no idea who he was but there was an air of familiarity around him and the way he looked at me held a sort of knowing glow. "You definitely don't look the same." He suddenly spoke and his deep voice sent my growing headache into a migraine, something about this man made my head hurt. "And it's quite obvious you don't remember me." I slowly shook my head and grabbed it when my migraine became unbearable.

"" I said in between groans and froze up when I felt a large gloved hand grab my chin to make me look into the yellow eyes of the male. Something was off about him. To my dismay, I couldn't even rip my chin out of his wooden grip due to the pain I was feeling and how it weakened my body.

"Wow I should feel hurt." He chuckled softly and his cold eyes challenged my own to not break the gaze. "My own sister doesn't remember me."

"W-what!?" I widened my eyes but immediately closed them as another wave of pain throbbed in my head. " dead!"

"Would you believe me if I was to say I was your brother in another life...Anna you must remember me!" he grabbed my shoulders in a desperate attempt for me to remember but my body gradually became limp in his grip. "Anna?"

"I don't know who Anna is but I am (y/n)." I said between clenched teeth and all of my energy was being used up in just trying to keep a grip on reality.

"N-no you are Anna! You must remember, you died so you were reborn as a mortal. You were a-" he was suddenly interrupted by the sound of my door slamming open and with the little strength I had left, I looked over to see Dean holding a bucket of ice and a rag. The hands grabbing my shoulders were gone and I fell back in my bed, loosing complete grip on the world.

Sebastian's P.O.V

I could sense him, that damned spider lurking around. He smelled completely of deceit and I didn't like it, especially when (y/n) was concerned. But the main thing that really aggravated me was that Ciel had called for me and there was no disobeying my master, however it did mean that it would take me a step closer to getting his soul and then...spending my life with (y/n). I shook my head to regain my focus on the real world and looked down at the blank piece of paper on the desk in front of me, all I had to do was write a letter to tell (y/n) I would be back soon, no harm to it and maybe she might understand my position. As soon as I put the pen down on paper I felt a presence in the room, it was cold and filled with a sort of loathing aura.

"What did you do to her."

"I did nothing, she was like this since I first met her." I sighed an answer and glared at the other demon in the room, "but what I have gathered is some rather heavy stuff. Anna's brother...stabbing her with the sword that lies within the living sheath."

"I had to do it otherwise she would of killed thousands in one day, she grew greedy."

"Isn't that what all spiders do, they eat whatever gets caught in their web." I stood up to face the male and when I turned around the bright yellow eyes of the demon was all I could see. A gloved hand grabbed my throat and lifted me off the floor.

"And you are a deceitful crow, you probably don't even love Anna." The demons words sent rage flooding in me. How dare he say that! I loved (y/n) with so much passion that not even death could keep me away from her. I kicked the spider demon hard so that he would drop me and brushed off some invisible dust off of my shoulder.

"Her name isn't Anna, she's (y/n) (l/n) and is the woman I love." I grabbed his shirt and brought his face closer to mine. "I am the one she remembers." He growled towards me and smacked my hand away.

"Well I am Anna's brother Claude and I will get my sister back!"


(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I woke up to a cold feeling on my head and a stroking sensation on my legs, I lazily looked in the direction of Dean and saw him smiling sadly at me. "(Y/n) do you believe in past lives?"

"I...I'm not too sure." I sluggishly sat up and a wet cloth fell from my fore head. "It would be an awesome thing to be real. I mean imagine me as a completely different person."

"More like demon." Dean muttered to himself and I cocked my head to the side in a questioning manor. "Oh sorry I was just talking to myself, it's just I used to know this one woman and she had a rather strange brother, to be honest they were both strange. Anyway, they both got into a fight and her brother stabbed her to kind of remind me of her." His smile was sad and there was a moment of awkward silence. To quickly get rid of the awkwardness, I threw the wet cloth on Dean's face and snorted when he fell back. He swiftly returned to his original seat and glared playfully at me, chucking the cloth back.

"So what was her name?"

"Anna...but in all honesty...I think her name is now (y/n)."


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