Chapter 35

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Dean wakes up, pulling Cas very close. He shivers violently from the chill creeping in through the blanket. The worst part about their room is that it's always the coldest in the house during the winter.

"Did you turn on the space heater last night?" He groans.

"I forgot." Cas responds. "Sorry."

"S'okay." Dean nuzzles his face into Cas' shoulder.

"It's Christmas!" Cas sits up suddenly. "and look!" He points to the window. "It snowed!" He hops out of the bed, taking his body warmth away from Dean.

"Come back to bed." Dean groans, wrapping the blanket tightly around him.

"No way! It's Christmas! We've got stuff to do. People are coming over later." Cas grins. Any sign of sleepiness has completely disappeared from Cas' face which is now completely healed. Dean lets out a sigh and sits up.

"I'll make breakfast then," Dean swings his feet onto the floor, hissing due to the contact with the cold wood. As he walks out he turns on the small heater in their room.

He checks on Mary before heading toward the kitchen. She looks over at him with wide eyes as she sits in her crib, playing with her stuffed moose and bear. Her room is relatively warm, thank goodness.

"How long have you been up?" Dean lifts her from her crib. She smiles and coos happily. He carries her to the kitchen, plopping her into her high chair.

He goes to make French-toast and sausage for breakfast.

Meanwhile Cas is in Dean's recovering room. He knows Dean has recently uploaded a video, so the camera is empty of anything. He flips it on.

"Hello everyone, Merry Christmas!" He smiles. "I know I'm not the usual person you see, but I thought it would be a treat for you guys to see Dean in his natural habitat."

"Currently he's cooking breakfast." Cas says as he makes his way towards the kitchen. He stands in the doorway, discreetly holding the camera.

"What would the fine lady like this morning?" Dean speaks to Mary. "On the menu today is French-toast, French-toast, or French-Toast, all with a side of sausage."

"Toa'!" Mary exclaims excitedly.

"Ah, yes, the French-toast, excellent choice." Dean smiles. He finally catches sight of Cas. "Hello beautiful, you are awfully quiet. Just a little bit ago you wouldn't shut up about Christmas and all the things you need to get done."

"I just want to watch you cook." Cas smiles softly.

"You want to watch me slave over the stove you mean." Dean says jokingly,

"Of course, and you look so good doing it." Cas chuckles.

"Is that my camera?" Dean frowns.

"Maybe." Cas lifts it.

"Well, hello everyone." Dean waves. "Hope you all have great Christmas and get everything you wanted. Enjoy your family cause I know I sure will." Dean nods. He turns back to the stove, flipping the cooking toast.

Cas turns off the camera and sets it on the counter. He wraps his arms around Dean from behind and rests his head on his back.

"You okay?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, I'm just really happy." Cas sighs. He's been much more honest since the whole Crowley ordeal. He learned it's far better to be honest with his husband.

"I'm happy too." Dean grabs Cas' hand.

"I gotta do some last minute Christmas preparations," Cas drops a kiss on the back of Dean's neck and skips out.

Hours later Cas has Mary in her bedroom and is desperately trying to dress her.

"Mary, hold still!" Cas had finally gotten her in her white tights and a cute red and white Christmas dress. He is currently working on getting her feet still enough to put on her white dress shoes. And he hasn't even started on her hair.

"Gabriel is here!" Dean calls. Upon hearing this, Mary's whole body starts wiggling.

"Dammit Dean!" Cas shouts. He grabs her right foot and shoves her show onto it. But she kicks out of his grasp, climbs to her feet and zooms out of the room. Her shoe falls off in the midst of all this.

With a sigh Cas grabs her shoes and chases after her. He finds her by the front door, in Gabriel's arms.

"You look so pretty!" Gabriel smiles fondly at her. Mary giggles.

"Wanna see if you can get this done?" Cas asks, holding out the shoes. Gabriel takes them.

"Can I put your shoes on you?" Abril asks Mary.

"Otay!" Mary kicks her feet until he sets her down. Then she calmly lets him slip the shoes into her feet. Cas rolls his eyes.

"Sam here yet?" Gabriel asks, glancing around.

"No, your boyfriend isn't here yet." Cas chuckles.

"He had to stop at the store for me on the way, he'll be here soon." Dean walks out of the kitchen, wiping flour onto his apron.

Sure enough Sam shows up not too long later. And so do more family and friends. They exchange gifts and relax as dinner cooks. Gabriel is leaned up against Sam, who has his arm around Gabriel's shoulders. Cas thinks they are so cute together and absolutely perfect for each other. Gabriel has always needed a serious component in his life and Sam is perfect for that role.

Mary is playing with all her new toys in the middle of the floor. She is excited by all the flashing lights and noises that come from her variety of gifts. All ranging from a fairy castle and crying baby dolls to teddy bears and cute blankets. She of course got the most gifts, getting a little something from everyone.

"Papa, wook!" Mary presses a button on the hand of an alien looking thing. It starts to wiggle, glow, and sing twinkle twinkle little star. Mary claps along with it.

"That's cool, sweetie." Cas smiles.

A knock on the front door sounds.

"I'll get it." Dean stands. He walks out of the room. "Uh, Cas, I think you should come here!" Dean calls. Cas frowns. This probably isn't good.

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