Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Angelina's Point of View:

I was having one of those lazy morning moments. I woke up around ten and it was ten thirty now but I was still in bed. I’m actually too lazy to go out of bed. But I know I should get up eventually so I stretched and yawned before getting out of bed. I walked into my bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth.

My red tank top and my black shorts were crumpled but I didn’t change. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and opened my bedroom door. Drew was at the top of the staircase at the end of the hallways and when he heard my door open, he stopped and turned around. When he saw me he smiled and I grinned back. When I got to where he was standing, he pointed a hand to the staircase that lead to the third floor and asked, “What is up there?”

My hands twitched at the thought but I ignored it.

“Music room and a couple of other rooms that have stuff we don’t use,” I answered as I started walking downstairs with him.

“You have a music room?” he asked, a bit surprised. People usually have a guitar or a piano in their house but not a whole music room! And it was freaking huge.

“Yeah,” I shrugged “My mom loved music so she and dad bought a lot of instruments and made the music room.”

“That is so awesome,” Drew said and I smiled.

“So what shall we have for breakfast today?” I asked when we got to the kitchen. Liam and Lee were still in their room but they were awake because I heard some shuffling on my way down so they will probably come here soon.

“Pop tarts!” Drew said, sounding like a five year old and I chuckled.

“Okay,” I agreed as I prepared breakfast for the brothers and I. I have to go grocery shopping, I thought. I usually don’t go grocery shopping very often because I live alone but now I have three other guys to feed so we’re running out of food.

As if on cue, Lee and Liam entered the kitchen as I put the plates on the table.

“Yum!” Liam exclaimed before jumping in a chair and eating his breakfast. I rolled my eyes at him. He sure loved food a lot.

“I did a little research and I found our plans for today,” Drew said and I raised my eyebrows at him. Research?

“We’re going horseback riding,” he stated and I looked at him, horrified. Lee and Liam were excited but I definitely wasn’t. I have never been horseback riding before and I’m not sure if I wanted to.

“I have never been horseback riding,” I finally blurted out, hoping that they would change the plans.

“That makes it much better,” Drew grinned widely “And according to my research, the place is only twenty minutes away from here.”

“But what if I fall?” I asked. That was my main fear: Falling off the horse. I kind of like watching people riding horses but I never thought I could do it. I’m not scared of the horses, on the contrary, I think they are beautiful but I’m just afraid of getting hurt.

“I’ll be there to catch you,” Drew winked and I rolled my eyes at him “And I’ll teach you if you want.”

“Aren’t there special people to do that?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

“True… But I have been doing it ever since I was five so I can teach you,” he answered, proudly.

“Five?” I asked a bit shocked. Wasn’t he afraid of the horse? That means he’s really good.

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