Chapter 30

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Author's Note

Hello everyone! We're finally at chapter thirty, and I just wanted to remind you to vote, comment, and share. Sorry that this chapter is short, I was really tired today and my brain didn't want to work.


Sera's POV

One of Jack's men threw me a shirt, so I quickly shifted and pulled it on. I could feel wandering eyes on my body, and cringed as I saw the lust-filled looks coming from the surrounding men. Gross.

"Follow me dear," Jack walked towards me, and tried to put his hand on my back.

"Don't touch me," I moved away from him, and uncomfortably tried to move as far away as I could from him.

"Men," he spun his finger, and his men pushed us in closer, causing my shoulder to bump against his. "You're my daughter, stop being such a bîtch."

"You are not, and will never be my father," I spat in his face. He slapped me harshly, and I resisted the urge to show my pain.

"Shut up," he smirked. "Be more like your brothers."

"I don't have brothers."

"You sure?"

"I'm pretty sure I don't have any brothers."

"You know Liam and Derek, right?" I nodded. "They're your brothers, well half brothers, but that's the same thing."

"You're lying, again." As if he would ever say the truth.

"No, I'm not," I looked at him, trying to find something that told me he was lying. When I saw his completely serious face, my mouth dropped open. "You're serious?"

"Yep," he patted his pants. "All of them came from this wonderful package." I felt the need to gag and throw up. What kind of father was he? I kept silence for the rest of our walk, grossed out with the pathetic man next to me. "Here we are." He pointed to the door and once I got up the steps, he pushed me in.


"Men, put her in the chair."

"What?" They shoved me towards a metal chair in the middle of a cage, and cuffed my arms and legs to it. "What are you going to do?" I squinted my eyes at him.

"Tape her mouth," one of his men put a piece of duct tape on top of my mouth, and take if from me, duct tape does not taste good.

"Now, you're probably wondering what you're doing her, right?" I rolled my eyes and nodded. "Well, I know that you're a white wolf." My eyes widened as he grabbed a cleaver from a side table and started waving it around. "And I want to drink your blood." I raised my eyebrows as if asking why. What the hell was this psycho of a man thinking of? Cannibalism? "Not for what you're thinking." He paused. "If I drink your blood on a full moon, I'll be immortal!" He chuckled. "Imagine how powerful I would be, immortal, strong, and to top it all off, good looking!"

"And I'll be there, with him, forever!" I turned my head to see Liam walk into the room, his clothes covered in blood. "I'm taking a sip of your blood too."

"No, you're not," Jack pursed his lips.

"What do you mean?" Liam wrinkled his forehead. "You promised, father."

"Yea, I thought about it," Jack paused for emphasis. "And I realized, that I actually would rather spend eternity with Derek, instead of you."

"But I'm your new favorite!" Liam scrunched up his hair with his hands.

"Noooo boy, I don't like you," Jack frowned. "At all. Honestly, I can forgive Derek because I like spending time with him."

"Father!" Liam whined.

"Shut up!" he turned to me. "Now, let's start." He walked over to me, with the knife in his hand. I closed my eyes, just waiting for him to start. I had come to the point where I realized that I was in a situation where I could do nothing. 

Just as Jack was about to touch the knife to my skin, the front doors burst open. I opened my eyes and gasped with happiness at what I saw.

Nate and Kurt were there, looking badäss in their black gear. The gigantic guns in their hands scared me a bit, but the pink bow on Kurt's head fazed out all their scariness. It was probably from Harper.

"Hello motherfücker," Kurt laughed at what he said before putting on a serious face and pointing his gun at Jack.


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