Dating My Teacher's Brother. Part 33

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Hey guys :) How's life? So this is probably my last upload of 2011 :) Cant' believe it's 2012 like :O Some scary shizz :) Anyways :L
Any chance I can get aroung 4 comments for this chapter for the last upload of 2011? :D Right I'm going to go to bed now and enjoy Lee Evans :D He's the best comedian ever. If you've never watched I suggest you do :) Have a great New Years and stick to your resolutions  :)
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"So how do you want to do this then?" Paul asked from beside me on my bed. I let out a breath and shrugged. My parents were currently out shopping and Xavier was out with friends. We've decided that after the party today we'd tell my parents about us. It's not so much my parents but Xavier I'm worried about. Paul's one of his best friends. I'm really not sure how he's going to react. 

"I don't know yet to be honest. I just thought we should tell them today." I said standing up from the bed. "I never thought about how to tell them." He pushed himself up in the bed as I put on my coat. 

"I guess we can figure it when we're coming back. And your parents love me anyway." He smiled at me as I walked over to him. "Right let's go. Help me up?" he said holding out his hand. I laughed and wrapped my hand with his. 

"Is someone getting old?" He smiled as I pulled him up from the bed. 

"Never," I laughed and shook my head at him. "One quick thing before we go," he said pulling the collar on my jacket. 

"What?" I gripped the front of his plaid shirt and looked up at him. 

"It doesn't matter what anyone else says, we can still do what we want to do. We'll talk about what we want to do, and then we'll do it. Don't worry about it," I smiled slightly and nodded. "Right, now that is sorted, let's get to this party. I could murder for a beer right now." I laughed and turned on my heel. "Can I just put this out there while we're heading to the car?" I turned around and saw him lift the jumper I got him for his birthday, off of my bed. "You need to learn how to drive so I don't have to drive us everywhere. And maybe you would drive sometime." I laughed and laced my fingers with his as we walked downstairs. 

"Well for now that's your job." He smiled at me as he opened the front door. Damn I love his smile. 


"And there's Mr and Mrs Birthday boy." I laughed as Anthony came over and hugged Paul. 

"We're not married," Paul said with a laugh. 

"Might as well be," they pulled away and Anthony gave me a quick hug. "Right so drinks," he said clapping his hands together. "I know you're having a beer. What about you Rachel?" He led us through the group of people into the kitchen. To be honest there wasn't a lot of people here, maybe two dozen people or so. 

"Just some coke please," he nodded and opened the fridge. Paul leant against the table, pulling me with him so my back was against his chest, before resting his hands on my stomach. 

"So who's all here then?" Paul asked as Anthony walked away from the fridge. 

"Just people that we went to college with, some people that we play football (soccer) with and friends we picked up from places. And Caroline is here," Paul sighed as Anthony handed us our drinks. 

"That's just great. She really needs to improve her attitude from last time I was here." Anthony laughed and leant against the counter opposite us. "What is she here for anyway?" He set his beer on the table, before putting his hand on my stomach again. 

"You're not going to believe this, but she's going out with Larry." Now even I thought that was crap. 

"Your brother is not going out with Caroline?" Paul asked shocked. Larry nodded and took a sip of his beer. "How'd that happen?"

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