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"Papa! Look I made a sand castle!" Said Yuuri pointing out her little castle on their fine red carpet. Her small hand protected the small high towers of it while small people were walking around it doing their business. Gaara looked up from his Coffee, smiled to his daughter and her imagination and use of her ability. It was something that she picked up from her mother, Matsuri. Who was always positive and happy anywhere anytime.

"It's beautiful Yuuri." He said. "Where is that?"

"It's near our village. One day I'm going to build a really big one!" She raised her hands to the sky and the castle broke apart into a batch of sand. "Huh?" She looked upset and tried again. She made a mess around the dining room just on Matsuri's favorite carpet that he bought her for her birthday present few years ago. She hated it if someone would drop food on it or if Yuuri and he would let sand scatter around it. But Matsuri isn't home now.

"Here, let me help you," Gaara said, a bigger sand castle formed twice as big as Yuuri, making the girl scream out of joy. He laughed and soon small horses ran on the side of it.

"That's Uncle Naruto and Boruto!" She said, recognizing the hair and movement.

"Yes, can you guess which on is me?" He asked. Yuuri took a moment and then pointed out. "That one! On the top Papa! You always like to see the few." She looked back. "But there isn't much of a few to see now papa, you should come down."

Gaara laughed to that. "Well, there is a beautiful giant to see." Yuuri giggled. She then made houses near it and Gaara let her make more mess than she already did. Since it is also his favorite game. If only he was like this when he was young, he wouldn't be so bored. He thought. Suddenly he tensed, hearing footsteps coming from the door.

"Matsuri!" He said. Yuuri tensed as well and tried her best to gather the sand since she hasn't mastered it the way her father did. Gaara cleaned it with just a wave of his hand, but there were chocolate chips and a glass of milk still there. He stood to take it when the door opened and his wife came in. Matsuri was holding two bags of groceries and hair a bit messy.

"Gaara? Yuuri?" She noticed their strange position. "What were you doing? Look at you, you're so tensed." She started but stopped when she saw the stain on the carpet. Out of panic, Yuuri must have spilled her milk. She smiled awkwardly at him.


"It was an accident." He said. Now that he thinks about it, he always says that to anything he did in the house. Like when Matsuri announced her pregnancy suddenly in his office. He had said honestly. "It was an accident." When eyes fell on him in accusation and disbelieve because they were not married yet. Matsuri had broken the stiff atmosphere there later on, proclaiming it was the best accident she ever had. It was a joke among them who were there that day ever since.

"Sure it was." She sighs and put down the groceries on the table.

"Are you angry?" He asked her. She looked at Gaara and her eyes softened with love and care that he smiled anyway even though he was the blaming part of this small incident. Matsuri came to him and he leaned down to kiss her. Yuuri stated she didn't want to see this and ran up to her pile of sand.

"Matsuri." He whispered, his hands running up from her lower back to her neck, pushing her to kiss him again. Her lips were always soft and it tasted of cherry and her lip-gloss he had grown fond of over the years. She drew in a breath as they parted, pushing him back.

"We shouldn't be doing this when Yuuri is around." She said.

"Yuuri is not here." Looking to where she had disappeared behind the door. Matsuri put her hands on his shoulder. "Gaara."

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