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"Hinata. I promise you, I'll bring our son back." Was what he said before he went to catch up with Sasuke who was captured by the enemy. She had kissed him with sadness and longing when she let him leave. It was hard to let her hands go from him, even though she knew that he was leaving to bring back Boruto. Himawari looked marveled to see them kissing, since she never let her children know that kind of adult relationship. There was no time to be thinking of that and she had to do it. If... if he doesn't come back. At least they had their last kiss.

She shook her head, feeling terrible for not trusting her own husband. It doesn't matter how strong the enemy is, she knows that Naruto had faced great enemies in his past. He had brought Sasuke back one time and that seemed impossible that time. He did anyway, now he can bring back their son. He just has to, so she could fix what she had done wrong. As a mother, she felt that she had failed in her duty. How could she have not seen that Boruto would leave?

She sighs while she ran and jumped from one roof to another to see the pipes. Leaving Himawari in Saikisus care while she goes and checks if there was something she could do. She knows that she would be able to protect Himawari if something happens. Or Himawari protecting her.

"Hinata!" Someone called, jumping behind her with a puppy on his head. She heard already that his former dog has passed.

"Ah, Kiba!" She replied.

"Hinata, you should be home with Himawari. Is losing one child not enough for you?"

She held her breath. His words sting her more than she wanted it to be. It is always that about Kiba that someone would rather stay away. He was the type to say something without thinking even now when he was older. Holding her tongue, she said nicely,

"I asked Saikisu to watch over her-"

Her words stop as a sudden wave of black chakra made everything shake and it blew them back to fall behind. It was like a wave, washing them from their strength and energy that she barely could land on a roof without falling, hearing screams of people when some houses fell apart and broke down. The whole village was wrecked and people ran for safety, thought they didn't know where. Some, strangely fainted.

"Kiba!" She called to him. Her eyes darted around to find him but he was nowhere to be seen. She drew in a breath in relieve when he came out from the ruins, swearing.

"Hinata! Go to Himawari! I'll go and try to stop this before it destroys the-"

He grabbed hold to some ruins, starting to faint. Hinata could feel it too. The energy was sucked out from her, how odd that it felt good and it made her light. She fell down on the ground. Looking up to a black sky. "Naruto..." And she let the darkness take her.

He said he would come. He said he would be home yesterday, but he isn't there. She waited and waited and for what? The door never opened and her mother had told her to go to sleep. To hope and pray that her father was alright. That he was probably just delayed because something came up. 'Don't worry Sarada! Your father is a tough ninja! He'll be home soon enough!' was what her mother said to her. But to be blunt, her mother was a bad liar. Her mother looked even miserable when she pretended to be happy. Also did she apparently, so she just showed or not show anything at all when she was disappointed about something or someone. Right now, she just wants to be alone, sitting in the park alone right on her birthday. What a baby, crying over something like this. She thought, looking down to her wet arm.

It was snowing and everyone was with someone, or doing something, or with friends... and here she is. Sitting under a cherry blossom tree, away from the light of the park.

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