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The next week was filled with her sitting on Kyouku's horse while the others walked behind them. The others didn't mind, they all felt sorry for her loss and knew already what Imaka had done. The man who did that to her was banished from the group and not get their share from the journey. Slowly, though it felt impossible at first, she felt better. All thanks to Kyouku who could heal her wound and trauma by always sitting beside her when she felt afraid. She was only nineteen, she thought. She will have others babies. She thought again to make herself better. Much better when she imagined Kyoukus babies.

"I love you." She whispered to him one night.

"I love you too." He said in a heavy voice. He kissed her on the cheeks and pulled up the blanket to warm her.

"I will have to buy you." He said. "But I will. We will be married."

"I want that." She smiled dreamily. "Will your parents like me?" She asked curiously. He smiled to her with care, one hand stroking her hair.

"I am an orphan."

"I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be. If they were alive, I know they will love you. Just like how I love you. They are loving people, so I heard." Oro sat up.

"You don't need to hear from people to know that they were loving... I can see that from you-" Her words stop when her eyes caught something shimmering coming towards her. It flew like a little arrow, bouncing to another direction before it lay coldly on the ground. Kyouku held his Kunai in a perfect position, and he didn't move a muscle. His eyes looked sad.

"Give us the woman and the gold." One of them said on a tree. Oros eyes remained fixed on him while her heart beats fast against her ribcage. It felt bad, it felt like a beautiful time or era has or will soon come to an end. As his shadow moved away from her, she felt it like seconds before something would suddenly hit her.

"Kyouku, don't!" She warned him.

"Don't worry Oro, I've been a ninja for a long time." Whatever he wanted to say next was drawn by the sound of the other man. They were all fighting and women screams were the next thing she heard.

Kyouku protected her, covering her body and dodging every attack gracefully. He was beautiful. She thought with admiration.

"Hurry and get inside of the temple. The others will catch up!"

"What about you?"

"I'll catch up, I promise." He said, kicking one and tossing him to the side. She didn't want to leave him, she didn't want to let him fight alone but what can she do? She would just be more of a burden than she already is.

"Please, take care." She whispered and left. Followed by a few men and the other girls, they found their way to the temple. It was an old building made purely out of stone. A perfect hideout for them as well as a fortress. The high pillars of its roof had three shaped diamonds and she knew, this was one of the borders of the green lands.

"Is everyone here!?" One shouted.

"Who cares, let's get this shut we'll never win, we are outnumbered!" One replied, pushing the stone door close. Its round surface made it possible to move despite the weight. Two others helped him and one shouted back, "Kyouku isn't here yet!"

"We have to wait for him!" Oro said, ignoring the begging of other girls.

"Yeah, without him she'll lose a future husband." One said with a sharp and mocking tone. Oro ignored the sting and pain, pushing the two-man from closing the door entirely, but one heavy hand landed on her face. Sending her head swinging back, the ground under her shaking, and catching her. She let the darkness take her. The light of the starry night was the last thing she saw as it's light slowly disappeared behind the closing door.

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