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"How is she?" He asked softly and wistful. Touching Sakura's shoulder with care for a friend he had known since childhood. She was holding tears now and Sasuke's futile effort could not ease her pain. A pain of a mother, who saw her daughter nearly killed by a Rasengan... in the hand of his son. Of course, it was meant for Mitsuki but that itself was something unthinkable, to see his son would strike his own friend. And Boruto's expression when he was about to punch it in was cold and heartless. As if all the hatred in the world had been unleashed from him and he did not care if killing another ninja in an exam was something that would throw him in prison forever.

That and his black Byakugan. How strong is he? What is he capable of and who he is had cast chills in his body, chills and shame that had told him thought Boruto is his son, he knows nothing about him. Nothing.

"She's a strong girl. They say she's going to be fine." Sakura answered. Her gaze was fixed outside the windows of the hospital, straight to the city. It was hard to see what exactly she was looking at. But all that mattered was that she was now somehow so vulnerable and breakable. "I'm sorry Sakura. On behalf of Boruto and myself, I'm sorry." Sakura turned to him; a faint smile touched her lips.

"It was what she did for them both Naruto. You're still as thick as you ever were, huh?"

"Hmm?" He returned her smile, not quite getting what she was trying to say. "What do you mean?" He asked eventually, now curious in the subject.

"Never mind. It wasn't Boruto's fault anyways... Sarada had butted in in her own accord. So it's alright." She said, hugging herself.

"She's alright. You don't need to look so... scarred Sakura." Naruto said, not knowing what exactly he wanted to say himself. Bless Sakura, she seemed to know what he was talking about though it's not clear.

"I'm just frightened when I saw Sarada, falling to the ground. It's like the world had stopped spinning and so did time. I was scared Naruto," Now she turned to him, ready to unleash whatever was in her mind. "I know she is a ninja, I know that she is an Uchiha... that she is born to be one and a strong one on that... but... I never actually saw it... saw her falling like that. Wounded, bleeding, broken... I just... I never realized how much she has grown up until now... In my mind..." Her words stop. There were tears piling up in her eyes and she shook them off. Biting her lips.

"... She is still a child." Naruto finished her words for her. In his mind, both Boruto and Himawari was also a child. A baby sometimes... he had remembered how he stayed next to Hinata when she had gone through labor. Her body was in pain, sweating, breathing uncomfortably, and screaming like her body was breaking in two. It was the most frightening moment in his life and it happened twice. It was a miracle for him, for her, for them both, that they had brought in this world... a child. And it was Boruto.

The happiness after the labor had finally come to an end when Hinata held to their child. His small body still red and healthy, crying loud as if he was announcing to the world that he was there. How proud he was at Boruto, just to be there. He loved Boruto ever since. His own flesh and blood. They both cried happy tears...

Boruto looked away, stopping himself from feeling so emotional about his son. He was a man now and he couldn't let anyone in this hospital see their Hokage shed tears for a memory he cherish so much.

"I know how you feel Sakura. I'm just sorry that it was Boruto responsible for what you felt. I'll talk to him later."

"I hope his ok," Sakura said sincerely.

"I hope so too... seeing it was Sarada he nearly killed snapped him back to earth. I wonder what he was thinking down in the battlefield. It was like... there was no one there watching him." Then he glanced at Sakura. "Hey, Sakura."

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