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"Papa! Mama!" He screamed in fear when the house went dark. The lights were off so suddenly and he could hear noises, footsteps from outside, and his father's scream. "How dare you!" His father had said. "No Akeboshi! Don't come out sweetheart! No!" He cried and he opened the door of his room. Suddenly a long splatter of blood ran across his face, his foot felt numb to what he saw. His father lying on the floor, his throat cut opened and his mother half naked with a long cut on her stomach. He looked up to see two men looking down on him. One of them came closer and his Kunai which dripped blood on the floor came closer to him. He cried, "P-please... don't kill me... please..." He said begging and he hated it. He felt that he sunken so deep he saw mockery in his dead parent's eyes.

The other one stopped him. "He is just a child, leave him be." He said. With that, they both ran out and he was alone in the dark. Scared and wet with blood. He wanted to curl with his mother. He came closer to them, shaking their body. "Mama, Papa. Wake up! You promised me you'd take me to the park tomorrow, remember? Wake up!" He said and cried in silence, lying next to them.

The memory played again in his mind as if it just happened yesterday, breaking his focused mind and it felt like he was living those memories all over again. When he came back to reality, he realized he was still in the woods outside of Konoha. His ruffled hair was blocking his sight and he flicked it away.

I have no time for this, I have to focus, he thought. Walking again, ignoring the cold wind as it blew harder on him. As he walked, he turned to the sight beside him and saw the village from above the hills. It was beautiful, he thought. The lights from it were yellow and white and green, sparkling in pink and blue in some parts.

So this is where Boruto used to live. Akeboshi thought of his new room neighbor. His mind flew back to how he had first seen him when he walked with Kuroy. He looked sad and drowned in thought that he nearly didn't realize he was there. Only when Kuroy had greeted him, he remembered, the yellow-haired boy looked up. Blinking as if he woke up from a strange dream.

"Yo, Akeboshi! I want you to meet Boruto Uzumaki. He will join us from now on." Kuroy said, patting the yellow-haired boy's back. He looked at him and their gaze met. He smiled to him. "Hallo, nice to meet you, Akeboshi was it?" He stretched out his hand and they shook.

"Yeah. I'm Akeboshi, nice to meet you too Boruto. Where do you come from?"

"Konoha." He said. His heart skipped a beat to that name. "Oh, well I hope you will feel like home here." Was all he said.

He had hated him afterward, but his act of dislike had to stop in the way. For Boruto was kind and hard working. He trained so much he loosed weight, walking out and in his room in the middle of the night after a quick rest because he had to build something that Lady Mitsune requested personally. He was a genius, they said. He was a breakthrough among them ninjas. He could imagine, being trained by Itachi Uchiha, he was bound to be the strongest. That too has started to show. Someone like him, he knew, would have a lot of friends from his former village and that was proven right. But none of them he ever talked about except Sarada Uchiha. Poor Boruto. I wonder if I need to tell him what his pretty girlfriend thinks of him. Akeboshi grinned. He can imagine if Boruto never wants to go home again. Yeah, I will tell him. Sarada sure will be happy he won't be coming back. He chuckled.

"What are you so happy about?" A voice asked.

"Yonjin. You sure took your time." Akeboshi said, gazing up to a shadow on a tree branch. "I was starting to wonder if I acted on the wrong date." He said, seeing three more figures on the tree. They jumped down in one clean move, with the grace of a cat. Yonjin, his name, was the group leader of this operation, while the rest were the Manmonjin triplets. Roy, Ero, and Akomo were their names.

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