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Sarada jumped from the roof of the Sukoku family and landed on the other side of the fence. The bones in her feat felt tense, chakra flowing through her body. Protecting her bones from the impact of the jump.
Her long black hair was blown by the wind. And as she looked down she saw a pink cherry blossom flower and picked it up.
She had been looking for Mitsuki; all the time her heart beating loudly. She hoped her face was not so red, she could feel her cheeks color the closer she was to the park.
It was not that the boy made her nervous. But the thought of someone having that sort of attraction to her was enough to make her blush.

Suddenly the image of him kissing her appeared and Sarada had to shake her head. The feeling of his lips against hers was something she did not want to remember.

"Sarada! Sarada!" Sarada stopped where she stood, finding Mitsuki catching up to her from behind. His hair blown by the wind, cherry blossom petals covering it.

"Mitsuki! I was looking everywhere for you!" She exclaimed.

"I've seen you from there and tried to get your attention but you kept on walking away. You must be deep in your thought not to notice,"

Sarada barked an awkward laugh. She was deep in her thought.
"I'm sorry, I made you run all this way,"

"I am a ninja," Mitsuki said seriously, "How can you apologize for such a thing. I am insulted!" He said casually. The two of them knew he didn't feel too hard of a heartache. Only that the point was sent across.

"You're right, what am I apologizing for." She looked up at him. His eyes were the most unusual blue. Now large and sad. She had to start this.
"Mitsuki..." Sarada began, "I came here to talk to you about your confession. We're in the same team and I feel we can't just pretend this never happened-"
"Why not?" Mitsuki asked. "I can't deny that I have this feeling for you. But I am not asking you to return it!"

Sarada was stunned. She looked at Mitsuki wide-eyed. Her black eyes glazing with shock. She never thought he would be so straightforward. Not about this at least. So there was no mistake and everything was not the rush of the moment. He really did care for her. Loved her.

"I hoped we could return things to the way they were. I don't think I can look at you the same way if we don't finish this now."

"I will not deny or take back my word. How can you ask me to put this to rest? Just like that? Would you be able to do that with Boruto?" Mitsuki asked in the end. His eyes were burning with determination. He was not about to put this to rest she assumed.

"No I won't able to," She answered after a moment of pause. The wind blew around them, a rain of pink petals washed over them.

"Let me protect you!" Mitsuki said. "You are going to be Hokage one day. I will protect you,"

Sarada's lips parted. "You don't even believe that I can be Hokage. You always told us that Boruto will take on his father's place." And it was true.

Mitsuki closed his eyes, "You will be who you want to be. And I will protect you. At least I have that if nothing else. Until then, we shall not speak of it again." Mitsuki's words were final.

Sarada had something in mind than this. She had thought Mitsuki would tell her it was a mistake. It was a fling of the moment but he had confessed. Once more that he fancied her.

Right then footsteps took their attention. Both Sarada and Mitsuki turned to see Boruto smiling with the Hokage walking next to him.

Sarada waved. "Boruto! Hokage-sama!" She exclaimed. Mitsuki nodded his head at Boruto and when they reached them; bowed towards the Hokage.

Naruto smiled, "Don't be so formal! I'm not in the office," He said.
"If being outside means you're not Hokage anymore I would have tried harder to get you out," Boruto mumbled to himself, but loud enough to be heard.

Naruto Scoffed, "Eh let's not make funny ideas. You're too old for that aren't you. You already have a girlfriend," He blinked at Sarada.

Sarada chuckled while Boruto made a heavy protest. His cheeks red.

"I must head home soon. Orochimaru is waiting," Suddenly Mitsuki said. Sarada turned to him, searching his face. It must be painful to hear this. She realized, looking away from him.
"Eh!" Naruto exclaimed, "But I came all this way to tell you something!"

That took his attention. Mitsuki turned back when he was just about to dash. Naruto put both hands on his hip.

"Well, not just you. Actually, I know this is your holiday time since the last incident. But I was hoping I could ask you a favor." He said, looking at them from one another. They all shared a look and then nodded.

"What do we need to do?" Sarada asked. The two boys waited.
Satisfied with their attention Naruto explained to them quickly.

"We have a shortage of supply since  the hidden rock joined us. Leaving the village empty. Some decided to move farther ahead near the Sanseki Mountains." He started. "They were all sustained by Oro. But now that she is gone, the village is in trouble. We need an escort team to take a group of paramedics to the hidden rock." He finished. "The new hidden rock,"

Sarada and Mitsuki nodded understanding. Boruto folded his arms, "I'm pretty sure you're forgetting something," Boruto said.
"Ah ya!" Naruto said, forgetting an important part of the mission.

"Your team will be led by Sasuke and his first born. What's his name?"

"Uh I also don't remember," Boruto admitted. Naruto mumbled something, shaking his head. Boruto sometimes remembered. When he didn't; he wasn't paying any attention.

Sarada noticed Mitsuki picking up his phone. The ringtone quickly dismissed.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I will be home quickly!" He said, slipping the phone back after the line was cut. Naruto looked at him apologetically.
"I didn't know you were in such a hurry," He said. Mitsuki shook his head, "No please. I am hoboured to see you," He said.

It wasn't the first time Naruto heard this. Over the years of him being Hokage. Praise and respect was something he had grown used to. And so he nodded, dismissing him.

With a quick last glance of goodbye, Mitsuki rushed home. Sarada staring after him, in her mind the mission and their short conversation replayed.
Boruto stood next to her, his warm arms rested around her shoulders.

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