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The training they had felt different, it felt like there was something missing. Like a hole in her mind she could not dispose of when she delivered her final blow and she knew it was the time Boruto should have howled their success. Stating that they were the best team that ever lived, but none of that was heard. Only Mitsuki's step on the grass as he landed after using his air jutsu and created wind, completing their death attack when she used her fireball jutsu.

Konoahamaru sensei whistled to their success and wrote something on his paper. Sarada's eyes gazed around, trying to find Boruto in vein. Mitsuki came walking by, his steps were light like a cat and they looked sad when he looked at her.

"It's rather quite without him isn't it?" He stated, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I hope they find him soon. It's been a month already; I didn't think he would go that long." Konohamaru sensei who heard their conversation jumped in, his eyes met with Sarada.

"I'm afraid it will take even longer than that Sarada, that's why I've received news that... might upset you." He said, then looking at Mitsuki. "Thought maybe you have no problem with that, you always find him noisy right Mitsuki?" Mitsuki looked stunned to hear that as if he was hearing that people thought he was a girl and grunted.

"I always thought that he was noisy, true. But he was the perfect comrade for us. This team is too quiet without him." He said with passion of his friendship. Konohamaru looked at him the way a teacher would be proud of his student who passed an exam with high grades.

"It's not like he has been so noisy the last times. Did you notice that?"

"Yeah," Sarada answered. "I honestly thought he was rather cool like that. But now if it means he would leaf I'd rather have his noisy and reckless self." She said, hugging herself from the cold wind around. Mitsuki glanced at her.

"I didn't think he was cool in any way but he was a good friend. Anyway, what was the bad news sensei?" Mitsuki suddenly changed the topic, turning to his sensei in a desperate tone no one noticed.

"Ah yes... about that. I hate to tell you this but there will be a replacement for him from the hidden grass village. His rather a special ninja." He said.

"What!?" They both said at the same time before he could finish. He opened his mouth but Sarada cut his words. Mitsuki came closer to him as well, looking dazed of this news.

"So soon? They haven't tried their best to search for him yet!"

"A team member isn't something you can replace just like that. How can they do this? As if Boruto would never come back. What if he suddenly comes back and sees that his place is taken?" Mitsuki asked, his voice rose.

"That's right! No one can take Boruto's place! I reject anyone coming on our team!" Sarada nearly yelled. Konohamaru sensei pushed both their heads down, grumbling and said out loud. "I'm not asking you to take him as a replacement for Boruto. No one can take his place I agree! But don't you see? Boruto isn't coming back just like that. He's the son of the Hokage don't you think he would do his best to look for his own son?" They all listened.

"Just remember. Boruto left of his own will. Meaning he's not in danger and he has his own reasons. Think about it. If he left on his own accord and someone would come to take him back would he really be willing to come? Hmm? The chance is there that he would fight to not come to Sarada, Mitsuki. There are things you don't understand so I might have to ask you to trust us on this." He went on. "His name is Akeboshi Naino and his transferring here from his village after he was found unconscious and wounded. He seems to hate the hidden grass, that's why Hokage-sama had given him a friendly offer to train here and since Boruto left..." He stopped at that as if the words were hard for him too. "...since Boruto had left us he'll be joining our team. So I'm asking you to be kind to him because he's been thru tough times." He said and drew in a breath. Sarada and Mitsuki slowly nodded, accepting his word. Sarada stayed quite as konohamaru sensei left them when he read a message and walked away. He waved his hand and soon jumped away at high speed. Her mind felt dizzy for a moment she slumped down by a tree and pulled her knees down her chin. She wanted to cry again, feeling the longing that has burned her in this never ending month. She really did miss him, his yellow hair, his blue eyes, his thin and slender body, and the way he looked at her.

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