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"No!" He yelled out. "Get out of here!" And warn the others. He said in silence as his foot got yanked down harshly. Slamming his body to the ground, knocking out the breath from his body. His chest throbbed with pain and his ankle twisted in pain. He tried to get on his feet, his hands scratching on the stone floor like a cat getting dragged to a bath. The strangely large man shadowed him and hit him again on his back. Whatever breath he had left he could not retrieve back and for a moment everything looked blurry. All into a smash of colors and movement and sounds he could not recognize. Only the pain of his ankle that brought him back. It was a bad start of a fight when you broke your ankle already. Kuroy tried his best to stay calm and stood while ninjas, black ninjas surrounded him. He had his Sharingan, he had his speed, but his foot stopped him from whatever fight he could have given. They all stood to watch him, while behind them; Oro stood gazing down at him with a mean smirk across her face. She played with her hair on her finger. Twisting it around like a child watching her favorite show. Kuroy swore at her and that made her laugh.

"Kuroy, my sweet. We've knows each other for so long. Is this really necessary?"

"You don't know me." He growled. She chuckled. "Oh yes, I do."

"You made this necessary." He said accusingly. She held her hands on her chest in a dramatic gesture as if she was in shock that it was her fault. Kuroy tried his best to keep on his leg. One leg. But he couldn't and finally lost his balance. Falling down to his side, he heard cheers and laughter around him. Some were whistling at him, some eyes looked down with sexual interest he felt so small. He held his breath.

"Boys, boys, please... his not food. Back, back, I want to see him better." Oro said, her hands swept the crowd in an invisible force and he actually gave thanks to her. If they ever touched him... not even Hell can be compared to what he will do for revenge.

"If only you can see yourself from my eyes Kuroy. If only you could, you'd feel sorry. Really." She started with pure pity. It slapped him. He was an ANBU, a feared ninja among them in the hidden rock. Only now, he had he felt so small and powerless. Damn ankle, he thought. It looked so ugly and unnatural where it twisted and a bone pointing out. He wanted to cry just by thinking how he was going to fix this. He was a rogue ninja anyway; it was impossible to get proper medical treatment without getting caught. Even then, if they caught him the won't let him get the treatment he needed. It was blood prison for him.

Oro walked down from where he stood, splitting the crowd automatically. Her shadow stretched above him, covering him in darkness.

"If you are willing to help me. I will let you go."

"I'd rather die. Just end me now." He said in a low howling voice, deep from the bottom of his stomach. Oro bowed down and held his cheeks in her hands, squishing him, forcing him to look up at her. She smiled cruelly.

"They are hungry man, boy." She started. Her eyes glanced around the room. "In this very room." She pointed down and her grasp on his cheeks got stronger. Piercing his cheeks, making it bleed. Blood dripped down and he held his breath.

"If I am going to let you die... I'm not going to let you die easily. They never felt a woman's body and you're pretty enough to get them... all of them satisfied in one night. You'll bleed... you know from where until you die slowly from infection." He held his breath. "I'll watch those maggots find their way in your body and I'm sure... very sure you'll feel it until it crawls out of your mouth because I will make sure you stay alive that long."

"Can we dress him?" One of them blurted out. The others cheered and he wanted to cry. What a horrible death, though she had described it to him. He could not imagine it, to actually feel it happen to him. Kuroy glanced at the man who said it. He was tall, large, with a big stomach and he looked down to... he will suffer.

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