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Again, again, and again he never knew how things got the way they were and in the end, he found out that perhaps it was because of his own ego, his hatred for the people who took his parents away from him and killed whatever was human in him when he was trained. Trained to be the ninja he is now, the finest ANBU in the former Secret Rock Village. He is no longer ANBU, just a rogue ninja running from the tight grips of prison and from the past that he knew would someday pull him down. Casting guilt's from the eyes of his soul, but not yet. Not when the fight isn't over yet, not when he still had something he needed to do. Something he needed to warn Boruto from, to warn everyone from what possibly is going to happen when they have their hands on him... How stupid of him to think that the battle would end, just like that? Oro was one of the worst legends come to live, the goddess of chaos, the center of all nightmares, and on the list of most dangerous beings in human history. Boruto alone was not enough to take her down. Not that time, not now, not ever. He thought he could and thank goodness for him that he could come back from his rocky figure though with a great price. He was an idiot. He thought.

Akeboshi took a deep breath, walking down a small path in the middle of the forest to where his hideout was. Just in between the hills where the mountains had hidden the small hut. He was close already and the smoke from burning fire rose to the sky with the smell of burned fish and eggs. His stomach grumbled in hunger and again he took a deep breath. He also doesn't remember when exactly he had been friends with Kuroy and Shizuka, but when they were stumbling on the same rock they found help from each other. That was enough to make them stick up to his attitude in the past. Thank goodness Shizuka was not just a lame ninja but a genuine girl with a future wife material stamped on her forehead in an invisible ink. Meaning, she may not be able to throw a Kunai or make signs fast enough, but she can clean, wash, and cook, definitely warm the bed at night. I'll be jealous of whoever gets her in the end. He thought, feeling a tight knot on his chest. Quickly he shoved it off and waved a little when Shizuka greeted him from afar. A smile that had changed a little since Boruto. Shizuka really did love him.

"Shizuka, where is Kuroy?" Akeboshi peeked in the hut, there was no one inside. Only two empty beds and some cleaning utensils they had found in the ruins.

"I think he said he wanted to find a way to get to Oro's hideout?"

"What!? That idiot is going to get himself killed! And us along with him!" He bit his lips after he said that. It was not like him to juts burst like an overloaded balloon, but then again he was filled with every burden he could carry. From the basics of food, shelter, self-protection, to warning the five kage's that there's shit coming their way. No doubt after everything he did... even if he was the one to warn them of danger, they would still tie him up and throw him in prison. I'll die first. He thought.

"Kuroy can take care of himself Akeboshi. He is also an ANBU you know." Shizuka said softly, rubbing his back in a calming gesture. She had, indeed, the sweetest smile and insuring eyes. Poor Shizuka, he thought, blind from reality.

"Shizuka, you need to tell me where he is so I can get him back."

"You don't need to. I'm already here." They both turned to Kuroy who was just walking out between two trees. His face tired and haywire from a long journey. This may be not the right time, but, "I thought I told you to stay put."

"Tell me anything again and I'll chaw you down." Shizuka giggled.

"Hah..." He rubbed his face in frustration. "I was concerned..."

"Since when you cared so much for others? Did Oro pulled your screw lose?" Kuroy said, walking in the hut. He didn't give much notice to Shizuka and as much as he hated it, but Kuroy's word had stung him. Like a rare fire bee, that could be found in some jungle somewhere. It was rare. He rarely cared for what others say and now... he was regretting that he had started to care. Shizuka's poisonous influence probably.

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