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And then it showed her, taught her to never expect anything more than what you had before. It was that clear and so she held whatever was aching inside her heart inside a small box and put it away. She waked up this morning just to find her Boruto was back to his new original self and heard from Akeboshi that the other Boruto could still show up in a small amount of time. She had numbers of disappointed in her live, more than she could ever want. But still, she wasn't used to the feeling and was quite the whole day. Quite until they found the village Boruto had told her about the other day.

The village was nameless and was a quite small but growing. They walked in a small path where they had a perfect few of the wide paddy and corn fields all the way. Some women were working with large hats to protect them from the sun that was shining bright, bathing the healthy crops with generosity, while the grasshoppers and dragonflies flew around them like small kites. The man around them glanced under their hats, curious and suspicious. Their skin had turned brown from days of work and some women took their children to wait by the sides.

Two ran and nudged them as they play. Paying no attention that they were complete strangers and just arrived in their nameless village. It was the sight of a prosperity and well-fed village. But the horrors they found was unexpected. Sarada felt it the moment she saw the entrance gate. A rickety sign that was a wind away from falling apart.

"Nice," Akeboshi said as a response. "From all that I'm safe to say this was unexpected."

"Let's not judge something by the book, shall we?" Boruto said before Sarada could say anything. They entered the unguarded village that showed old on the peak of breaking down houses with children sitting on the ground, eating something like corn rice.

"Ok, you can judge now," Boruto mumbled. Sarada saw the two boys looking at a man holding a boy by the arm, crying. He held an apple and the fruit fell when a hard slap landed on his small pale face. He cried even louder. "Mama!" The boy called out.

"Who are you calling to boy!? Your mother is dead!" He yelled at him. Boruto stepped forward and took the child from his hand, giving him to Sarada. The man offended that his business was interrupted nearly slapped Boruto. Only to realize that they were ninjas.

"W-who are you!?" He asked abruptly. "You're not from around here are you!? Get out! Outsiders aren't welcome here!" He screamed at boruto whose face was as calm as sea before a terrible storm. The boy in her arms was sobbing, hugging her while calling for his mother.

"And that boy stole an apple! My apple so back off! He's my business!"

"I'm hungry!" The boy cried. Boruto handed out some coins and the man smiled at it. He sat back on his chair behind his stall and put the coins inside a metal safe where some money was stored. Sarada looked at Boruto was he took the fallen apple and gave it to the boy. Squatting in front of him, he gave the apple face to face and rubbed his head.

"Maybe it's better to ask nicely next time."

"Thank you." And the orphaned boy ran.

"Poor child, how bad things must have been for him. I can't imagine." Sarada said. Some villagers had already laid their eyes on them. Some holding a stick as if ready for some trouble. Akeboshi moved uncomfortably at that, glancing carefully back at them.

"Neither can I." Boruto agreed.

"I can," Akeboshi said heavily and pulled them from the scene. "I don't like this village. Something is very wrong here. Just look at how the people look at us." He said. Only then Sarada noticed what Akeboshi meant and it seems Boruto does too. Uncharacteristically, Boruto ignored it and chooses to follow Akeboshi. He led them to a hidden place between walls.

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