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Maybe my hunch is right. He thought as they jumped their way to the great wall. The size of it was massive, twice higher than the trees. Bird nests were made in cracks all over the vertical surface of it, making hundreds of small dots as far as eyes can see. The problem was, the moment they started to move again, a small amount of fog covered their way. He didn't say anything at first. Thinking perhaps the others had noticed it as well and did not take it as much of a problem as he did. But then the farther they go, the thicker it gets.

"Still think my hunch is just a hunch?" Boruto asked. He nearly hit a tree after the fog covered his sight completely. Shizuka too had a hard time and nearly slipped and fell if not for Akeboshi who pulled her up again; maybe she would have broken a few bones.

"This is a bit un-normal. There was no fog just a few minutes ago." Sarada complained as well. Boruto looked back at the other boy. He also looked confused.

"I'm guessing the fog wasn't in the scroll?" He asked in a sarcastic manner. Akeboshi looked up at that.

"Hey, I never went to the green lands before Ok? How am I supposed to know this was going to happen?" The fog now was getting thicker, covering their faces and body until they felt completely alone. Boruto jumped to the left, grabbed hold to Sarada.

"I warned you didn't I?" He said. "Now we have to walk on the ground and God knows what's crawling down there."

"Maybe we can just wait until the fog goes away?" Sarada suggested.

"How long?" Shizuka asked from the other side. Shizuka and Sarada had not spoken a word since they left the village. He didn't care enough to make them talk or think it was necessary. He never wanted Shizuka to join, though he had no idea why. He just didn't want to. Because Sarada is here too you retard. He made a low growl. If you just let me be part of you, you can live without me.

"Never." He said in a low voice. But still enough for Sarada to hear.

"Never what? Do you have a plan?"

"I think we have to travel on the ground now. Boruto is right, it is dangerous, but we don't know how long this fog will stay." Akeboshi answered her question. He didn't know it was meant for Boruto. The next thing they heard was Shizuka's gasp as Akeboshi took her and jumped down. Their shadows disappearing behind the thick layered fog.

"Shall we?" Sarada asked. Boruto didn't answer but slipped his hands under her knee. Jumping down as well and thought they hit one branch, he still managed to carry her weight and brought them safely on the ground. He looked around, hoping to find Akeboshi.

"Over here," Akeboshi said. Boruto took Sarada's hand. "Try not to get separated from me." He said. Sarada nodded and followed him to where Akeboshi was.

The afternoon had started to get darker and sounds of the night howled in the distance. From crickets to frogs, to small animal yipping, to howls of monstrous creatures. Boruto held Sarada closer, afraid something would grab hold of her leg and take her away. It would be impossible to search for her in this fog.

"Akeboshi, how close are we to the wall?"

"I have no idea. I can't see a thing." He answered. Between the sounds of their steps, Boruto noticed a sound that was different from the rest. As if, the sound doesn't belong there among the woods. It was no animal, nor was it a machine. Juts a simple wood clicking. Click clack, tiklik tiklik clack tiklik. It stepped on grass under, the birds flew in panic, and the hair on his back stood in alert.

"I'm telling you there is something out there," Boruto said. Sarada took a sharp breath. He didn't need to be a psychic to know she was afraid. Her grip on his arm and hand hardened.

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