Bickslow x Reader: Simple Things

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(M/T) =Magic Type

    Bickslow tapped his pencil on the bar as he thought. He was writing about why he loved (Y/N) for their 3 year anniversary. Mira was sitting across from him, trying to help. She suggested a poem but Bickslow denied, saying it would be terrible if he wrote it. He was at the edge of an epiphany when Team Natsu barged into the guild. Mira and Bickslow rushed to hide all of the papers.

"Hey guys!" (Y/N) made her way over to Mira and her boyfriend. "That mission was crazy 'we thought we got the reapers, but BAM!" She slammed her hands on the bar, " A 27th came running towards us," She sat down and sighed, "boy, that was fun."

Mira slightly giggled at the (M/T) mage, Bickslow gently smiled. Within a second, his expression changed, "(Y/N), what happened to your head?"

(Y/N) motioned to the bandages that were wrapping around her forehead. "Oh, these? Well, you know how I mentioned that 27th reaper? He snuck up behind me."

"Are you okay?" Mira asked, worried.

"Heh," (Y/N) shrugged, "I'm fine. Gray concluded that it wasn't a concussion so...Oh Bickslow! I got an AWESOME gift for you. I can't wait to show you tomorrow!" She walked off to the request board, where her team was choosing out a 1-day mission.


   "Well," Mira asked after (Y/N) left, "What do you have so far?"

            Reasons Why I Love You

I love the simple things you do. Like how you always take care of your friends like a mother. How you always fiddle around with your hair when you're nervous. You always try to see the good in things and people, kind of like how you accepted Sabertooth before anyone else. How on Tenrou, you tended to the wounded, even though you wanted to fight, but you accepted that you were also hurt. And whenever you are hurt, you stay positive.
Remember that one time when I baked those cookies with my babies, they were all burnt. I told you not to eat them, but you refused not to, and you ate every last one of them. That was the same day I swore never to cook again, since you got sick.
I loved that goofy smile you got on your face when Laxus asked if we were dating. You looked like a beautiful angel who got hit on the head.
When we were kids, and Master Makrov assigned homework to teach us, you always turned it in on time. But that one day you forgot, you finished so fast you got half of the answers wrong, but you finished it. I remember the look of horror you had, when you realized you had less than 30 minutes to work on it. I remember Freed asking if you needed answers, but you refused to take them. You finished what you got done and prayed for it to be right.
I love how when you see a fly in a house, you do everything you can to kill it. Even if you have to use your bare hands.

You see, I never really thought much about other people, until I met you. You bring out the best in me, and I love that. I hope we can be together forever. Even if you decide one day to leave me, I'll accept it if it ensures you're happy.
I refer to my souls as 'babies' and you've told me that it'd be weird if we had kids one day, and I still called my souls 'babies'. Truth be told, at the time I thought you were crazy, but now, I find it a dream to some day come true.
If we ever have children, they won't be my babies, they'll be my mini angels.
My guide to even more happiness.
Which is why I bought this ring.
And I had Mira (the crazy ship woman) help me with this gift.
Please accept my proposal, and give me your hand so I can put a ring on it.

     "I don't know," Mira sighed, "I don't like the part where you call me a 'crazy ship woman'."

Laxus came by and put an arm around Mira, "It's not far from the truth babe." Mira silently pouted while Laxus and Bickslow laughed.


     "Bickslow! Open mine first! Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, myself, and Happy worked really hard to get all the jewel for this." It was a box wrapped brightly with red paper, and white ribbons. It looked as though a three year old wrapped it, but Bickslow was in no place to complain. (Y/N) had never wrapped anything. She always used gift bags or had him wrap things.

    Once Bickslow unwrapped the box, and opened it, he saw a scrapbook. He also saw his favorite discontinued chocolates. And a handmade quilt. There was also a customized mug, and a gift card to 8Island.

(Y/N) scratched her neck, "You're kind of hard to buy for. And make for, so sorry if it sucks..."

"It's wonderful." Bickslow shoved the envelope into her hands. When she got done reading it, she was tearing up. (Y/N) gave her hand to Bickslow as he slipped a ring on it.

   A/N: I forgot to do my homework, and left it at school for a very strict teacher. I'm going to have like 20 minutes to finish it. Wish me luck.

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