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Slipping on my red bodycon dress that hugs my curves in just the right places, I spin in the mirror, my long brunette hair waving around my face. Applying some mascara and lipstick, I smack my lips, smiling at my reflection. Sitting myself on the edge of my bed I slip on my high glittery black heels and stuff my purse, keys and lipstick in my matching bag. Picking up the photo from my bedside table I stroke my finger down the image lovingly, the last picture I have of my parents before they died in a car accident, on the way to a charity event my father had helped organise. I was 15 at the time and had begged to stay at home since I never liked the charity balls, reluctantly my parents had agreed. Ive always wondered what would have happened if I had gone too, would I have died along with them or would they have survived that night. I place the picture down again, I have berated myself enough for that night, im starting to build a decent life for myself and I know thats what they would have wanted. I am studying to be a nurse and rent out this flat using money I get from doing cash in hand jobs such as deliveries, since I have to work around my studies. Since my 19th birthday was earlier this week I am using today as my birthday present to me, going out and having a good time seemed like the best way to take my mind off of everything. Checking again in the mirror I am happy with how I look, sauntering through my flat I open the front door, stepping out and closing the door behind me. Taking the stairs quickly I step out into the cool night air, the stars twinkling above my head and I take in a moment to appreciate the beauty of the night.

Walking casually towards the town, my heels clicking on the pavement. After about 10 minutes of walking I arrive outside the club, the sign illuminated by neon lights Dark Moon I grin at the name, my mind already made up plenty of senarios as to how the name came to be. Waiting in the line, the music blaring every time the door opens, I tap my foot on the pavement excitement coursing through my veins. Reaching the front of the line I get an approving scan from the bouncer, he lets me in without saying anything, I gladly slip into the club. Immediately the sound of the bass engulfs me, the beat courses through my veins, I smile and walk to the bar, watching the throng of people dancing in the middle of the dancefloor. Sipping my 'sex on the beach' cocktails I almost laugh at the irony, since im still a virgin. Walking across the club I seat myself in one of the booths, relaxing back, the alcohol causing a warm glow under my skin, the peach taste coating my tongue.

"Can I buy you a drink?" My gaze jumps up to a daringly gorgeous man, that could definitely be a model, looking down at me with warm brown eyes, a smile plastered across his face, his perfect white teeth flashing.

"Sure, 'purple rain' please." The man nods before hurrying to the bar, almost like his life depended on it. I cant help but laugh quietly, no doubt he believes he will be getting his own 'way' tonight, not going to happen. In a very short while the man appears with the drinks, a vodka and coke for him if my nose is correct, he hands me the purple glass in his hand, our fingers touch slightly as I take it from him.

"Thank you ... im sorry I dont know your name." I say apologetically, revelling in his aback expression.

"My name is Lee. Whats yours?"

"Well then, thank you Lee, my name's Lara. Heres to an entertaining night." I lift my glass towards him, noticing his slight pause before his glass clinks against mine, I take a sip of my drink, the taste exploding on my tongue.

"What brings you here then Lara?"

"Needed to relax, also its my belated birthday present to myself."

"Well happy belated birthday to you. Lets drink to celebrate." He swiftly downs his drink, I take a large swig of mine, im not stupid enough to down mine. But no sooner as I swallow my head starts spinning, I frown, I have never felt like this after only one and a half drinks. I look at Lee, his intense stare on me, but as I watch closely his gaze constantly flicks to the side, glancing through my hair I follow his gaze and spy 3 middle aged men sat at a table, all watching us. My stomach drops, instincts warning me that I am in danger, I really shouldnt have come out on my own.

"I need some air Lee. Can you keep an eye on my drink?"

"Sure." His smile doesnt quite reach his eyes, as gracefully as I can I stand, slinging my bag over my shoulder I head to the exit. Glancing back as I open the door I notice the 3 men have all stood, slipping through the door quickly, my mind becoming fuzzier like my brain is being switched for cotton candy, stepping into the night air helps clear my head slightly but as I hear the door open again behind me I kick into gear, walking quickly down the street, heading to the busier part of the town, hopefully I can flag down a cop. But as I stumble slightly, my feet feeling like theyre stepping through mud, I quickly undo my shoes, the pavement bracingly cold against my now bare feet. Hearing the footsteps catching up with me I start running, but soon even stepping forward is too much for my now dead legs, I stumble and fall to the floor. Rough hands grab my arms, pulling me to my feet, I attempt to scream and fight but the heavy arms holding me are too strong for me to get away, a large hand covering my mouth as my vision blurs further. The last thing I manage to think before succumbing to the drug is that I hope I survive this.

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