Chapter Fifteen

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Byron lays next to be, cradling me in his arms, even his breath brushing over my skin cause little after shocks through my veins. I am well and truly lost in this dark world of sexuality and the unknown. My eyelids grow heavy but I force myself to stay awake.

"Im really sorry it took me so long to help you escape." I look up at his relaxed face and realise that this side of Byron is one I could easily get used to.

"Im the one who should be apologising. After what I said you could have left us to slowly starve to death at the hands of those monsters."

"But I hurt you." My voice sounding sad as I run my fingers on his chest, remembering vividly the bloody L I had carved in his skin, the guilt eats away at me, even as all I see is perfectly smooth skin, his muscles rippling under my touch, his pulse beating strong, his hand rests over mine, pressing my palm to his skin as my gaze jumps to his.

"I will tell you a little secret." I stay quiet, watching him intently.

"What?" I ask quietly.

"In a wierd sick way I enjoyed being branded as yours. It disgusted me because I thought you were one of them. Who knew of your plan?"

"No-one. I knew if I told any of your group they would have stopped me and I just couldnt leave you and Alex to suffer at the hands of my own species." Byron pulls me up gently, my lips hover over his as my hands rest either side of his head.

"Then I thank you deeply for your courage. Im going to have to call Violet."

"You are not going out on your own." Tiredness pushed to the back of my mind as I aim to sit up, only to be pulled down again roughly, my breath leaving me in a gasp as my chest collides with his, his hand curling round the back of my neck, pulling my head down until our lips touch. Immediately my body heats, his hand on my lower back feels like a branding iron against my skin. Our tongues duel, his minty taste dancing on my tastebuds as my hand burrows into his hair. Breaking away, breathing heavily, a smug smirk curls on his lips, his hand circling the skin on my back, my back arching, goosebumps breaking across my skin.

"Il take Alex with me. How much money do you have left?" I push insistantly away until he releases me, padding across the room I grab my coat, fishing though the pockets I grab the crumpled notes and change, carrying them back to the bed I sit cross legged next to Byrons relaxed figure and start straightening and counting the money. £154.65. I jump as the bed dips, the stack of coins collapsing at the movement, my eyes jump to Alex's smirking face. A blush covers my cheeks as I remember the feel of his lips on mine and his body pressed against mine.

"So whats the plan now?" Alex asks laying across the end of the bed, Byron pushes himself up, pulling me under his arm, I hide my face against his skin, my cheeks burning. I notice Alex's smile widen as Byron entwines his hand with my free hand, I resist the urge to smack the smug look off of his face. Bloody vampire.

"Me and you are going to call Violet, then grab some food for us all. While Lara and Yasmin stay in here." Alex jumps up, racing to the clothes bag and pulling out a hoodie and slipping it on, Byron pulls my hair softly, my face turning up to his, a heartbeat before his lips touch mine, a soft kiss full of promises. The stark contrast from his usual possessive kisses has my body heating, he feathers soft kisses across my cheek to my ear, his teeth nibbling on my earlobe.

"When we are safe again we are going to continue what we started." The promise in his voice fills my veins with fire, then all of a sudden Byron disappears, I catch myself as I fall, looking towards Alex and Byron who is pulling the other hoodie over his head, smirking at me, I throw the pillow at him in frustration. He catches it easily and throws it back, I hit it down onto the bed, smiling at his playfulness. Alex appears by the bed, holding his hand out for me, slipping my hand into his he pulls me upright and straight into his embrace, Byron growls low in this throat, I laugh as I hug Alex tightly, his throaty laugh vibrates against my cheek. Releasing Alex I face Byron's furious face as he glares at Alex. Sibling rivalry? Alex grabs the money from the bed and heads to the door, Byron stalks towards me, catching me and pulling me roughly against him as his lips descend in a claiming kiss before following Alex out of the door

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