Chapter Five

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2 weeks later

Byron's couple of days has turned into a couple of weeks. The past fortnight has been surprisingly enjoyable, spending alot of my time with Paul, Violet and Alex.

Alex being Byron's younger brother has always spoken highly of his older brother. But ive become to almost class him as my own brother, he is an absolute game addict who ive found during the day passed out while playing. Violet is like the sister I never had, she bought me a hell of a load of clothes that we put in one of the guest rooms, she still wont tell me how she afforded it all. We spend a lot of time having girly chats, I also discovered that she is an awesome cook but she doesnt want the men to know otherwise she would end up cooking every night. So we secretly ate all her creations while the guys were busy. Paul, well what can I say, when we are together it seems like a deep connection between us, each day he has given me a rose. My heart warms everytime, he is funny and sweet and good looking, everything I could dream of in a perfect man, minus his need to drink blood. That act I realise has lost its disgust factor as I found out that most of the time they only have packaged blood and that they dont kill if they do feed from a human.

But when I am alone my mind always wanders to Byron, his constant mood swings, hot one minute and cold the next. I swear he has become an obsession. I kind of miss him in a wierd destructive way.

Laying on the bed in Byron's room I try in vane to watch the tv, looking at the time, 8pm, everyone should be getting up soon. My mind wandering back to the question that has been plaguing me the past fortnight. Why have I not tried to escape? Is it my growing feelings for Paul, my wierd obsession with Byron, my new friendship with Alex and Violet or is it because I have nothing to go back to. No home. No job. No friends. I bang my head on the headboard chanting softly. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

The door suddenly slams open making me jump and fall off the bed, scrambling to my feet I face the person who has been the centre of my mind for weeks, Byron. He looks furious but somehow I know its not directed at me, I dont know how I know but im confident I am right.

"Byron? ..." His imposing figure is suddenly infront of me, reaching for my arm, I forget how to move, my body traitorously coming alive at his closeness.

"Youre a nurse right?" His urgent question catches me off guard.

"Trainee nurse yes."

"I need your help." Before I can respond I am pulled against his chest, my feet leave the floor and the world whirs past, burying my face into Byron's chest I breathe through the nausea. As suddenly as it started it stops, my feet touch the ground again and my stomach stops its somersaults. The smell of bleach and citrus hits my senses, realising I am still clutching Byron's top, quickly releasing him I step back but he catches my hand. My gaze jumps up to his eyes, instantly getting caught in the mesmerising purple. He stalks towards me, his eyes swirling with anger, I retreat hastily until my back hits a cold tiled wall, his hand shoots out, surrounding my throat.

"You do anything to hurt him. I will kill you." Before I can question him, a pair of doors are slammed open, Alex appearing wide eyed and covered in blood. Brushing past Byron without thinking I rush to Alex, gently placing my hands on his as he stares back at me.

"Whats happened Alex? Are you hurt?"

"Not me ... Dylan ... oh god ... hes dying." One glance into Alex's eyes my gaze jumps back to Byron, his eyes mirror the same wild panic, swallowing against the sudden lump in. I quickly race past Alex, slamming the doors open again, noticing the hospital style room, full of vampires but my gaze falls on the still figure laying on the gurney, Dylan. Without thinking I race through the vampires, not even taking note of any faces, my whole concentration on Dylan's huge frame, thankfully none of the vampires stop me. Reaching Dylan's still body I notice the first time the burns to his torso and the large wooden spike protruding from his chest. My heart stutters as I realise Dylan is still fully conscious, watching me with pain filled eyes, his hand moves weakly and on impulse I entwine my fingers with his, squeezing his hand in reassurance., doubting my ability to fix him but I refuse to let it show.

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