Chapter Two

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Cover designed by - Karonte-Cerbero <3

A couple of feet from my 'master' I wait, trying to stay patient, my heartbeat hammering in my chest. His hand launches out, grabbing my wrist roughly, I freeze, feeling like a deer caught in headlights.

"Kneel before your master." Before I have a chance to follow his command he tightens his grip on my wrist, the sharp pain brings tears to my eyes, my teeth biting into my lower lip to stop from giving him the satisfaction of hearing my cry of pain. I fall to my knees quickly as his grip tightens more, threatening to shatter my bones, as soon as my knees touch the floor he releases my wrists but grips my chin between his strong fingers, forcing my gaze to his.

"Why are you still a virgin?" I bristle at that very personal question.

"None of your business ..." the back of his hand connects with my cheek violently, falling to my hands and knees, gasping at the pain, hearing the mattress move I spin round, backing away as he advances, smiling. His heavy boot lands on my ankle, stilling my retreat, panic starts setting in.

"I will ask you again. Why are you still a virgin Lara?"

"None of ..." my retort is cut off as he applies more pressure to the foot on my ankle.

"I havent wanted to have sex." I gasp out, watching confusion flicker across his face. Suddenly he is crouched over me, his hand holding my face so my eyes connect with his, his nails digging in when I attempt to look away.


"I dont know. Okay?" My snappy retort earns me another slap across my face, a coppery taste costs my tongue, my lip split.

"I am your master. You will treat me with respect." He growls close to my ear before he grabs my hair roughly, forcing me to face him again, his eyes stormy.

"Respect has to be earned ... master." A stupid thing to say my brain pipes up, his teeth clash together then my head is snapped to the side by another loud and painful slap. His hand grabs my chin forcing my face to his, his eyes spitting fire, glaring at me, my cheeks starting to seriously sting.

"Respect will always be given to me, slave. You are my property. I shall use you as I please. You will accept it with a smile on your pretty little face." Nodding quickly he suddenly disappears from infront of me, my knees crumple and I fall to the floor, glancing towards the bed where my 'master' is laying, pointing a remote at the large tv as it blares to life. My gaze is drawn to an open door, the shadows from the tv giving me glimpses of what looks like a bathroom. Scooting up the wall I glance towards the bed, stilling as my gaze connects with sharp purple eyes.

"Where are you going?" His low voice echoes around the room over the noise of the tv, I clasp my hands nervously behind my back.

"Can I use the bathroom ..." He raises his eyebrow, after a heartbeat I remember. "Master."

"You will not lock the door. It wouldnt keep me out anyway but it would piss me off." I quickly nod, he looks towards the tv again and I stumble into the bathroom, feeling along the wall until a light switch touches my finger tips, flicking it on, blinking in the harsh light. I quickly turn, shutting the door, almost locking it automatically but I stop myself, dropping my hand. Looking around the bathroom I note the stark contrast between the white bathtub, shower, sink and toilet and the black towels folded neatly. I almost laugh at the neatness if the room, considering it is owned by a very temperamental vampire. Turning on the shower on I am surprised as hot water sprays over my outstretched palm. After using the toilet I strip quickly then step under the spray of the shower, sighing as the water caresses my skin, quickly washing my hair with the bottle of sandalwood shampoo. Stepping out of the shower I wrap my body in one of the large towels, using another to dry my hair as I pad silently to the mirror. Dropping the towel in shock as my reflection stares back at me, my cheeks red with hand prints, my lower lip split at the side, my green eyes wide and bright as my wet hair hangs around my face like curtains. The bite impression on my neck stark against my skin, my skin a shade paler than usual, but as a trainee nurse I know thats normal when a person loses blood, or when it gets unwillingly taken.

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