Chapter One

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Staring at the plain stone walls opposite me I twiddle my fingers feeling restless and on edge. A quick glance around the cold stone room I take note of the faces of the 25 women I am currently chained too, most are talking in excited whispers, some look completely terrified but me? Me, I am royally pissed. Being kidnapped and thrown into a room of willing slave volunteers was not my idea of a fun saturday night, fucking vampires. Glaring at the wall again, my teeth worrying on my lip, how the hell am I meant to get out of this?

The wooden door creaks open, an old hunched over man steps in followed by 3 large burly men, rolling my eyes I look back at the wall, the old man orders 3 of the most cooperative woman to be unchained and taken to the other room. What fate they were given there defined how long their lives would be, curiosity always killed the cat.

After hours it is just myself and 2 of the quiet women, my temper has been building up inside me for every moment that passes, my backside is numb from sitting for so long, my fingers itch to do something anything. My blood red bodycon dress holding no protection against the cold of the room, I had ditched my heels before I was caught so my barefeet were also cold and numb.

The door opens once more, the old man not even bothering to enter as the 3 guards, I assume, step towards us. I stay still, biding my time as one of them starts unlocking my chains, the other two women released before me, being half dragged from the room. The last chain clinks off of my ankle and as the man goes to grab for my arm I swiftly kick him in the abdomen and scramble to my feet, backing away from his irritated growl as he flashes his fangs at me, damn vampire. He advances on me again, I stand my ground glaring at him, smacking his arm away when he reaches for me again, earning myself another growl.

"Dont touch me." I hiss through my teeth, causing the man to pause, turning from him I hold my head high and walk towards the door, adjusting my dress slightly. I'll be damned if I just allow someone to drag me to my death, my death will always be on my terms. Im not stupid and I know that the likelihood of me surviving the night is slim so fuck it. May as well make it interesting. Stepping into the corridor the old man looks at me then the man stood behind my back now quizzically before shrugging and walking towards a velvet curtain at the bottom of the corridor. Holding myself confidently I sweep past the old man and step into a small mirrored room, casually I place my finger against the mirror, smirking, one way glass, the podium in the middle almost makes me laugh, as if I would get up there and pose.

"19, virgin, clean." The voice echoes through the room, I glance up at the speakers, rolling my eyes. The bidding war starts very shortly, I pay no attention, aimlessly I just walk slowly around the room. Drawn to one of the 'mirrors' from some unseen force.

"20 thousand." A voice booms aroumd the room, I swear my heart and lungs forget how to function, my palms start sweating, the deep voice shaking me to the core. Large hands suddenly grab me, dragging me back through the velvet while I try convincing my body to function again.

"You should feel blessed. Do not fight him, he is less lenient than any other. Serve him well." The old man hisses at me, I glare at the back of his head as he turns down a corridor, a rough shove at my back forces me to walk forward following the old man, someones heavy breath behind me moves my long hair slightly causing an involuntary shiver. A heavy door is pushed open infront of us and fresh air races in, claiming the corridor, breathing in deeply I smile, finally my lungs are full something other than the damp, dusty air of the 'slave' room.

Shoved forward again it takes all my will power not to turn around and connect my closed fist to the persons face. Stepping out into the night, gravel scratching my bare feet but I couldnt care less about the small pain, I was essentially free of the grasp of many vampires. Now I only have to make my escape from one, shouldnt be hard. My train of thought ceases as I am steered to a huge black limo, the back door held open by a frankly frighteningly huge vampire. My heart stutters but I force my feet to keep moving the old man slips into the limo as a large hand grabs my arm roughly, forcing me to stop, my feet start to ache with the cold of the asphalt, I cross my arms and wait.

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